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県内の大学・短期大学等が連携し、留学生と日本人学生が共に学ぶ(共修)・共に協力し活動する(協働)・様々なイベント等を学生自らが企画運営しつながり合う 学生自主企画活動 を行っています。


The Consortium of Universities in Nagasaki is a consortium between eight universities, two junior colleges, and one college of technology. It was established to contribute to the improvement and advancement of education and culture in the community in partnership with local government and industry by enriching education and research at institutions of higher education in Nagasaki Prefecture.

The Nagasaki Glocal Alliance Program (GP) is an initiative carried out between universities and colleges in the prefecture. Its activities consist of “collaboration courses” where international and Japanese students study together, volunteer work, and the Student Self-planning Activities —a program in which students plan and run a wide range of events and activities. The purpose of GP is for students of different countries and schools to interact, have fun, and engage in friendly competition with each other in the local community, and build a foundation of people who can play an active role both locally and globally.



  • 共修(共に学ぶ)
  • 協働(ボランティア)
  • 学生自主企画活動
    プレゼンテーション大会、出張!オープンキャンパス、グローカルトーク、カフェトーク、留学生Welcome Partyなど
  • 学生企画運営協議会(企画委員)
  • 「プログラム修了認定証」の発行:
    1. 所属大学等が指定する共修科目(語学コミュニケーション・長崎の歴史と文化・キャリアについて)を修得していること
    2. 社会活動(ボランティアなど)を3日以上修了していること
    3. 学生自主企画活動に3回以上参加していること


The main activities of the Nagasaki Glocal Alliance Program (GP) are as follows:

  • Collaboration courses
    NICE Campus Nagasaki’s credit transfer system
  • Volunteer work
    A range of volunteer activities—some planned by students, others requested by the community
  • The Student Self-planning Activities
    Presentation competition, off-campus information sessions for prospective students, Glocal Talk and Cafe Talk events, welcome parties for international students, and more
  • Planning and Administration Committee meetings
    Joint meetings and overnight student leader sessions where students plan events and other activities
  • Program Completion Certificate
    Students who have completed the following three criteria will receive a Program Completion Certificate. Participate in GP courses and activities to get a certificate!
    1. Complete a “collaboration course” designated by your school (a course covering foreign language communication, history and culture of Nagasaki, and career development)
    2. Complete at least three days of community service such as volunteer activities
    3. Participate in the Student Self-planning Activities at least three times





大学コンソーシアム長崎 事務局長
酒井 友文


My name is Tomofumi Sakai, a professor at Nagasaki University, and I serve as the director of the Consortium of Universities in Nagasaki. This organization is operated jointly among 11 higher education institutions in Nagasaki Prefecture. By having Japanese and international students study and participate in activities together, the goal of the consortium is to cultivate a foundation of ‘’GOLOCAL global + local” individuals who have international mindsets but who are also rooted in the community. Our motto is : “Learning from and living with differences.”

The consortium brings together local and international students collaborate and use their young minds to think about fun and interesting ways to interact with local people and contribute to the community, enabling them to make new friends and partake in an enriching college experience.

I look forward to your participation.
