HOME > 活動予定
南部 協働
- 日程
- 2023年7月24日(月)~2024年3月31日(日)15:50~18:20
- 場所
- 大園小学校グラウンド(長崎市滑石6-1-59)https://goo.gl/maps/8W6KTdB7xgw1dSAi7
- 内容
..English texts follows Japanese..
(FCスピリッツ) https://www.instagram.com/f.c.spirits/
We are looking for volunteer students who like to play football with elementary children!
A licensed instructor leads this team, so no football experience is necessary. Come join us!
【Date】every Monday, and Wednesday. You can choose a day that is convenient for you.
【Place】The playground in Ozono elementary school(Nameshi 6-1-59, Nagasaki-city)
【Access】In front of the bus stop ‘Ozono elementary school’.
【Clothes】easy for playing football!
【Apply】1.Please click the pink button below to apply.
2.Please fill out the form.
3.We will contact you by e-mail for further infomation.
- 参加費
- なし
- 交通費
- なし
- 食費
- なし
- 保険
- あり
- 申込期間
- 2023年7月25日(火)~2024年3月8日(金)
南部 協働
サンセットロード植栽事業ボランティア/Ecology & Environment Volunteer at Nagasaki Sotome Area
- 日程
- 2023年9月3日(日)08:00~10:30
- 場所
- 長崎市西出津町サンセットロード・砥石崎道路公園~赤首町バス停周辺
- 内容
【日時】9月3日(日) 8:00~10:30
③「桜の里ターミナル」7:40発 ➡「大瀬戸・板の浦行き」20駅 約24分バスに乗車 ➡ 「砥石崎」バス停8:04着
【交通費】2000円支給(バス代 長崎大学から乗車の場合、片道 ¥750)
Have you ever been to Nagasaki far west end, "Sotome Sea"?
Why don't you join us for productive environmental activities, that help the friendly for local people while enjoying the horizon??
■Date and time: 8:00-10:30, Sunday, September 3rd
■Place: Nishi-shitsu machi, Nagasaki-shi 長崎市西出津町
*Meeting place is in front of bus stop "Toishi-zaki." 「砥石崎」https://goo.gl/maps/HVkTSythLNqgbFKp8
**①You get on a bus from 「長崎大学前」(Nagasaki uni )at 6:48.
The bus bound for 「桜の里ターミナル」(Sakurano-sato terminal).
You get off the bus at about 7:18.(27 bus stops!)
② You wait about 22 min for next bus, then.
③You get on the next bus bound for 「大瀬戸・板の浦行き」(Ooseto ・Itanoura)at 7:40. You will see 20 bus stops for around 24 minutes.
And finally, you get off at 「砥石崎」(Toishi-zaki)around 8:04.
-Mowing the grasses
-Picking up trash
■Qualification: Being able to reach the destination on your own.
■Gratuity: \2000 (Transportation fee is included. One-way bus ticket from Nagasaki Uni. to ‘Toishi-zaki costs ¥750.)
-In case of accidents while doing volunteering work, you will be covered by insurance.
-Please wear (or bring) comfortable clothes that you don’t mind getting dirty. We suggest that long sleeved clothing because these are good to keep insects away, as well as grasses.
-Please wear a hat that will prevent strong summer heat, and bring a towel.
-Please bring your ‘hanko’ if you have, however signature is also acceptable.
- 関連リンク:過去の活動の様子
- 参加費
- なし
- 交通費
- ¥2000(長崎大学から片道バス代¥750)
- 食費
- なし
- 保険
- あり
- 申込期間
- 2023年8月23日(水)~8月30日(水)
南部 協働
沿岸漂流・漂着ごみの再生資源化をめざそう Volunteer for Nagasaki Coastal Debris Guard
- 日程
- 2023年9月17日(日)10:00~12:00
- 場所
- 出津砥石崎いこいの広場下海岸(予定)
- 内容
Sorry, this is closed!
English follows Japanese..
【KTN】キリスト教ゆかりの浜辺をきれいに【長崎市外海地区の海岸 プラごみ拾い】 - YouTube
い橋-板の浦・板の浦行)→砥石崎 9:44着(片道 880円)
Why don't you join Coastal Debris Guard on an ocean clean up action?
KTN made a broadcast about their activities, so if you are interested, I highly recommended that you check out this video. 【KTN】キリスト教ゆかりの浜辺をきれいに【長崎市外海地区の海岸 プラごみ拾い】 - Bing video
Please wear comfortable clothing, shoes, a hat and gloves.
■10:00-12:00, Sun, September 17th
*Meeting place is the car parking "Toishizaki ikoi no hiroba’ 「砥石崎いこいの広場駐車場」https://goo.gl/maps/hKiZFRsyUavT1Msm8
**①You get on a bus from 「長崎大学前」(Nagasaki uni )at 8:38.
The bus bound for 「桜の里ターミナル」(Sakurano-sato terminal).-Nagasaki bus company-
② You get on the next bus bound for 「板の浦行き」(Itanoura)at 9:20. And finally, you get off at 「砥石崎」(Toishizaki)around 9:44.-Saikai Bus company-
- 参加費
- なし
- 交通費
- なし
- 食費
- のみもの支給
- 保険
- あり
- 申込期間
- 2023年8月23日(水)~9月13日(水)
南部 学生自主企画活動
GP祭り ~matsuri~
- 日程
- 2023年9月27日(水)15:00~18:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学文教キャンパス 教育学部棟6F(633室)#633,6th floor Faculty of Education Bldg at Nagasaki U
- 内容
…English follows Japanese…
GP student leaders are holding a ‘GP 祭~matsuri~festival‘.
Have you been to a Japanese ~matsuri~ festival?
This festival is not just about the guests watching the events. All participants will make a stall. So, you can enjoy setting stalls, and also experience a Japanese matsuri with GP members!
All you guys are very welcome, tell your friends about this event, and why don’t join us?【DATE&TIME】Wednesday, September 27th from 15:00~18:00 (14:45-arrivals to check in)
【PLACE】6F Room 633 in Bunkyo Campus, Nagasaki Uni.
【CAPACITY】The space is limited to the first 30 people to arrive *Pre-registration is required
- 参加費
- free
- 交通費
- なし
- 食費
- なし
- 保険
- あり