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南部 協働
第15回記念<まちあるき双六大会>/Strolling Nagasaki Downtown Event
- 日程
- 2024年11月10日(日)08:30~13:00
- 場所
- 県庁舎跡地 等/the site of the former prefectural office building etc
- 内容
内容(English follows Japanese. 日本語のあとに英語が続きます。)
恒例の「まちあるき双六大会」が今年度は11月10日(日)に “ロケ地巡ってあなたも主役” で開かれ、GP学生1名がボランティアに参加しました。
An annually “Walk around Sugoroku” event was held on Sunday 10th November along “The lead actor visited the same location sites. You, too!” Our GP student participated as a volunteer.
---Feedback from the participant---
Though rainy, it was fun for me. I learned that just rain made it so difficult in the fieldwork and cleanup. This volunteer provides good experience to me with pleasure, intending to inspire the
event participants. Also, I had an occasion to talk to other university students rarely contact usually. I will continue to involve myself these event volunteers.
---Impressions from the organizer---
The participant contributed to the event with hard work even in the light rain, and was very polite to other participants with a beautiful smile throughout activities.
南部 協働
沿岸漂流・漂着ごみの再生資源化をめざそう/Volunteer for Nagasaki Coastal Debris Guard
- 日程
- 2024年8月18日(日)09:30~12:00
- 場所
- 長崎市京泊の海岸/Kyodomari Coast in Nagasaki City
- 内容
---English follows Japanese---
On Sunday, August 18th, a GP student participated as a volunteer in a beach cleanup at the coast of Kyodomari, Nagasaki City.
While picking up trash that easily crumbled upon touch, the student felt the issue of microplastics up close and had the opportunity to consider the impact on the ecosystem.
Additionally, seeing the beach gradually become cleaner was satisfying, but the student also realized the need to continue this activity, as there is still buried trash and debris drifting ashore.
This volunteer activity is held regularly, and you can learn about the differences in the types of trash that wash ashore depending on the season.
Please consider participating in future cleanups.
南部 協働
【日本語版】長崎42.195kmリレーマラソンinかきどまり陸上競技場 大会運営ボランティア/Nagasaki Relay Marathon in Kakidomari Volunteer
- 日程
- 2024年6月16日(日)07:30~15:00
(※公共交通機関利用の方は、長崎市運動公園前8:10着のバス乗車でOK/※If you are using public transportation, taking the bus arriving ) - 場所
- 長崎市総合運動公園(長崎市かきどまり)/Nagasaki Municipal General Recreation Park(Nagasaki-shi, Kakidomari)
- 内容
---English follows Japanese---
Two GP students (one Japanese student and one international student) participated as volunteers in a relay marathon event that attracted runners of all ages.
On the day of the event, they had the opportunity to interact with a wide range of people, including various companies and organizations. Witnessing the smiles and challenges of runners striving to achieve their personal goals, such as setting personal bests and improving their fitness, inspired them to support the success of the event even more.
The volunteer activities took place under strong sunlight, but it was a fulfilling experience that achieved the goal of contributing to society.
南部 協働
【ボランティア】まちあるき双六大会~海と灯台がおりなす歴史のまち伊王島!~ / 【Volunteer】Town Walk in Io-jima Island!
- 日程
- 2023年3月26日(日)08:30~13:00
- 場所
- 伊王島(集合場所:伊王島小・中学校グラウンド)
- 内容
<English translation follows Japanese.>
“Town Walk Event” was held this year!
10 students including 2 international students participated in volunteer work, from GP.
This time, it was held in Ioujima island!
Students supported the running of this event for participants who strolled the island(Dice Game ver.).
It was a beautiful sunny day, they cooperated with each other among various work!
Not only there participants in this event, also, students communicated with local people, and other support members, and got to knew the history, culture, and the tourism of the island!
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
参加者の方々が楽しそうに参加されていて、そんな方々と交流ができて私も楽しかったです。(鎮西学院大学・日本人学生)<English translation follows Japanese.>
南部 協働
【ボランティア】観櫻火宴2023 (松明武者行列) / KANOKAEN 2023 (SAMURAI Warriors Parade with Torch)
- 日程
- 2023年3月25日(土)13:00~21:00
- 場所
- 福石公園(千々石海岸)~千々石総合支所~橘神社
- 内容
(English follows Japanese. 日本語のあとに英語が続きます。)
5 GP students volunteered at "KANOKAEN 2023" held in Unzen City on Saturday, March 25.
This festival is known as a SAMURAI warriors' parade in Japan. It was held for the first time in 4 years. Luckily it didn't rain.
Volunteer students enjoyed HANAMI, cherry blossom viewing before the festival. It seems that they had a great time while watching the beautiful cherry blossoms surrounded by rich nature.
After the festival started, volunteers helped handing torches to warriors and paraded with them. It was truly spectacular to see over a hundred warriors. There are also many tourists who visited from overseas.
While being involved in this volunteer, the students were able to learn event management and experience Japanese culture as well.
南部 協働
【ボランティア】働く船の見学会①11/26(土)11:00-15:00/ Study and Experience a Tour on a Ship!!①11/26(sat)11:00-15:00
- 日程
- 2022年11月26日(土)11:00~15:00
- 場所
- 水辺の森公園
- 内容
(日本語のあとに英語で記載しています。English follows Japanese.)
On November 26th and 27th, a study tour was held on a ship at the port of "Mizube-no-mori" (Nagasaki Seaside Park), and students participated as volunteer guides.
This event was organized for the first time by a NPO in order to introduce Nagasaki ships to many people. They showed a ship that can be used to gather and transport gravel from seabed. A lot of families with children came to see it and volunteer students guided them. Visitors were able to actually board a large ship and see the heavy machinery and the conveyor carrying gravel up close. The volunteer students could also learn how the ship works and experience drones and VR goggles.
One of the volunteer students said, "I learned there are many ships which cannot be built in other ports and we cannot usually see. I want others to know about it." Another student said "I learned that Japan is advanced in hands-on learning for children." Through this volunteer experience, they could also experience the latest science and technology. It must have been a valuable experience for students.
南部 協働
ボランティア】千々石の里山 再生プロジェクト/ Chijiwa no Satoyama Restoration Project
- 日程
- 2022年10月23日(日)08:00~15:30
- 場所
- 長崎県雲仙市千々石町庚3902番地 Nagasaki-ken, Unzen-city, Chijiwakou 3902
- 内容
…English follows Japanese…
…English follows Japanese…
In October 23rd, we ran our second volunteer day with the ‘Chijiwa no Satoyama Restoration Project’ from this September!
We chartered a bus from the University to Chijiwa in Unzen city. Was our bus able to go through to the deep mountain’s road? Yes, it was! There were no bus stops around there, the place is difficult for students to get to by themselves.
5 international students and 1 Japanese student from GP joined a group of other students-30 in total. We separated into 3 groups. We did lots of jobs such as maintaining the old abandoned fields, carrying lumber and mowing the grass. We also planted rye in the fields and collected mulch to make fertilizer for the fields.
We took turns, and all students did the same duties.
First, we heard that there were some vipers around, it was so scary to hear that! However, to my relief, we did not encounter any. We found a boar’s den. We don’t see nature like this in our city life.
All the volunteering took about 2 hours, we did some hard work, furthermore, I am proud of all students, who did their best!
Some students cooked fresh rice balls, and miso soup with people from this volunteer organization, and all these were absolutely delicious. We enjoyed them after all the volunteering work!
On the way to the University, we stopped off at the organic food market, and we had a good time shopping with today’s new friends.
On this day, we experienced beautiful green nature, fresh air, water, and agricultural food, and experienced what life in Japan used to be like.
南部 協働
【ボランティア】平和を願う灯籠舟流しイベントボランティア/Volunteer for Floating Lantern Ships Event
- 日程
- 2022年9月11日(日)17:20~20:00
- 場所
- 原爆資料館・下の川
- 内容
Due to the bad weather, the postponed event had been held on 9.11 finally!
Three international and four Japanese students from GP joined this work. Two of them continued to work from last year!
Volunteer duties set the lantern-ships that were drawn by children from all over the world and DIY volunteers beforehand, lit the candles, released the lanterns in the river, and photo/video shooting as well post-ceremony cleanup.
Thinking of peace with this action, and we could find so many ways to contribute for peace.
南部 協働
【ボランティア】サンセットロード植栽事業ボランティア/Ecology & Environment Volunteer at Nagasaki Sotome Area
- 日程
- 2022年9月4日(日)09:45~11:30
- 場所
- 長崎市西出津町サンセットロード・砥石崎道路公園~赤首町バス停周辺
- 内容
…English texts follow Japanese…
There is a non-profit organization which tackles to local/community development around Sotome area in Nagasaki and one of its highlighted initiatives is ecology & environment activity held along the Route 202 (so-called “Sunset Road”) once a month.
Thankfully, the organization invited students to join in this activity and 2 international students from GP took part in.
The bus stop where they were supposed to meet up is very far way from Nagasaki University, it takes an hour, and I am so glad they got there safely!!
Thanks to the precautions and consideration taken by the volunteer host, however, 2 member students got successfully managed to engage in. All works seemed to be a lot of sweat but much worthy doing in regard to cooperating with locals and viewing panoramic landscape of Sotome.
<Feedback from GP student volunteers>
It was my new experience to take off the grass. The duration of the volunteer work was suitable.
They provided us with tools to help with the work and gloves to protect our hands.
I met nice people, they offered us green tea, cake, and delicious grapes.
The other students with nice, I got to speak with them in Japanese and English.
I am glad to know more about the Japanese culture. (international student from Nagasaki University)
First, we concentrated in cutting and taking off the grass, and we are getting to know each other. We had a good conversation time beside working, and we all worked done. Also, there are many churches around there, and it might be fun to visit them.(international student from Nagasaki University)
南部 協働
- 日程
- 2022年6月27日(月)14:00~17:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学文教キャンパス キャリアセンター内やってみゅーでスク
- 内容
The volunteer work’ peace messenger’ was held at Yattemyu desk on Bunkyo campus. Some students from GP participated in this program.
Any time from 14:00 to 17:00, anyone could make peace message. The cards were made from orizuru which was used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Now, there are so many serious problems around us, not only wars, conflicts, poverty, and so on. In Nagasaki, we have events to think of peace in August. Let’s think about ‘peace’, and express our peace on message cards.