HOME > 活動報告(2019年11月)
南部 協働
伊王島イルミネーションオープニングイベント点灯式ボランティア/Volunteer at Illumination Light Show in Iojima Island
- 日程
- 2019年11月23日(土)
- 場所
- 伊王島港ターミナル前/Iojima Island Port terminal
- 内容
南部 協働
伊王島海水浴場コスタ・デル・ソルのビーチ清掃ボランティア/Coastal Cleanup Volunteer at Iojima Island Beach
- 日程
- 2019年11月17日(日)
- 場所
- 伊王島海水浴場/Iojima Island Beach
- 内容
南部 その他
- 日程
- 2019年11月16日(土)
- 場所
- のぞみ会館大研修室
- 内容
南部 協働
【留学生限定】サンハイツありがとうフェスタお手伝いボランティア /Volunteer at a Senior Care Center’s Festival
- 日程
- 2019年11月10日(日)10:15~13:00
- 場所
- 特別養護老人ホームサンハイツ(油木町)
- 内容
A senior care center located in the middle of Nagasaki city, “Sun Heights” annually holds its periodical festival to aim interaction among seniors and youngsters. Following last year, the center asked university students joining in as volunteers this year as well and nearly 10 students including 4 GP fellows were called in.
The highlight of the festival was mochi (rice cake) pounding and it was so pleasant that seniors were watching smilingly over students doing hard work of pounding superbly. No doubt about that some felt fatigue and got hurt on their arms since it was their first time trying confronting sticky and heavy rice chunk. But they all felt fulfilled and even felt like becoming a “mochi-pounding master” after all!
南部 協働
観光客と交流しよう!長崎まちなか道案内隊ボランティア/Nagasaki Students Volunteer Guides
- 日程
- 2019年11月10日(日)09:45~12:00
- 場所
- 松山町、平和町、浜口町/Around Matsuyama-machi/Heiwa-machi/Hamaguchi-machi
- 内容
In order to demonstrate “omotenashi” hospitality to foreign tourists, Nagasaki University students have taken a lead to team up volunteer corps almost every other weekend. Its activity has been run regularly and varies; showing where travelers want to go, recommending sightseeing places, and such. Then for this month, two students from GP played an active role. As for the one from Burkina Faso, this was the first time for him to participate in this activity, and given the current situation in where the number of tourists from French speaking countries is increasing in Nagasaki lately, he took much advantage of this opportunity to use French, the official language of Burkina Faso.
【参加学生からの感想/Feedback from GP student volunteer】
私は母国でも地域のコミュニティ団体に所属して様々に活動しています。今回、「自分が今住む長崎をよりよい場所にするために、自分ができることがあれば何でもしたい」という気概で参加しました。自分にとって「コミュニティの役に立つ」という経験ができて良かったです。(ブルキナファソ人男子学生)/In my country, I have always been part of community-based organizations. Any action that I can do to make Nagasaki, where is so called “my town”, a better place is welcome and my pledge. It was good experience to fulfill that. (Burkina Faso male student)
南部 協働
大中尾棚田の火祭りボランティア/Volunteer at "Oonakao Terraced Paddy Fields’ Harvesting Festival"
- 日程
- 2019年11月2日(土)09:00~21:00
- 場所
- 長崎市外海地区・大中尾棚田
- 内容
As per its kindness of Oonakao community and farmers’ union consisting of volunteer members who tackle to preserve its terraced rice paddy fields, GP member fellows visited Oonakao to help and experience its local specialty event, as called “Harvesting Lantern Festival (Hi-matsui)” as volunteers.
Some fellows actually participated in planting volunteering work before in June and they had been longing to join in this festival to revisit the field and have a reunion with farmers.
Upon arriving at the venue, volunteer students soon got assigned to help setting about 6,000 lanterns which would be lit afterward in the evening, as the most high-profile attraction of the festival. Some helped set-up, assisted staff in several event areas, clean-up, and such.
There were more locals than expected and weather was all on their side on that day, the whole venue was always filled with vibes. And the sun finally shifted over horizon, countdown began, and then all those lanterns made the scenery so beyond-magical and awesome, so that volunteer fellows forgot to breathe.
Thanks to all those concerned with this event and welcomed the students. Every one of volunteers was so stoked to be there to feel and touch blessings of nature, people’s hospitality (omotenashi), and essence accumulated by their efforts.
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
・(6月の田植えに続いて)こうしてまた大中尾に行き、火祭りに参加することができて私は幸せです。日本の方と話すことで日本語の練習にもなりました。夜になると、火祭りの灯が見るも鮮やかでした。疲れましたが、すべての活動を終えて帰るころには、気分爽快になりました。(ベトナム人男子留学生)/I am very lucky to have opportunity to go to Onakao again joining the harvesting and fire festival. I also have chance to practice speaking Japanese with everyone. In the evening, the fire festival was so amazing. After enjoying the volunteer work, all the stress was released, I felt better again. (Vietnamese male student)
・美味しいごはんときれいな景色に感動しました。外海の自然と地元の人との交流を満喫できました。外海のみなさんの温かい歓迎を受けて、自分の故郷や家族のことを思い出しました。(日本人女子学生)/Delicious foods and landscape were all fantastic. I enjoyed feeling nature and interacting with people in Sotome area a lot. Warm cozy atmosphere they made brings me back memories of my family and home town. (Japanese female student)
南部 協働
- 日程
- 2019年11月2日(土)~11月3日(日)
- 場所
- 伊王島周辺
- 内容