HOME > 活動報告(2019年12月)
南部 協働
- 日程
- 2019年12月22日(日)08:30~14:00
- 場所
- 花丘集会所周辺
- 内容
At the end of December, counting down on to the year-end, 3 international students from GP participated in the “Hanaoka-machi” community’s rice-cake pounding event, which is annually held and known as a valuable gathering for men and women of all ages in this local area.
Students did their best pounding sticky rice, and enjoyed interacting with locals by tackling hard work together and exchanging their cultures.
Thanks to all efforts of the event and volunteer host, the Hanaoka-machi neighborhood association, warm and cozy memories were happily brought to the young foreign fellows.
南部 学生自主企画活動
International Day(12月17日)
- 日程
- 2019年12月17日(火)18:00~19:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学文教キャンパス学生交流プラザ/Student Community Plaza, Bunkyo Campus
- 内容
12月17日(火)に今年度最初のInternational Dayを開催しました!紹介してくれたのは中国・韓国・埼玉県出身の学生。
また、韓国出身の学生は、自分の故郷の有名な観光名所を紹介してくれました。イルミネーションがきれいな街並みの写真がたくさん紹介され、新しい観光スポットを知ることができました。韓国の学生の話の中で一番驚いたのは、「韓国では1月1日にみんな一斉に歳をとる」という話です。誕生日に関係なく1月1日になるとみんな1才歳をとるそうで、そのため、12月31日の夜中になると19歳から20歳になる人たちがこぞって居酒屋に出かけ、店の前には行列ができるそうです。何ともおもしろい韓国ならではのお話に、聞いている学生たちも思わず「へぇ~!」と声が上がりました。埼玉県出身の学生は、地元の方言や最近話題になった映画などの話から自身の地元について話をしてくれました。埼玉県について知らない留学生がほとんどでしたが、これをきっかけに「埼玉県にぜひ行ってみたい!」という声も聞かれました。今回のInternational Dayを通して、プレゼンターは紹介をすることで改めて自分のふるさとについて見つめなおすことができたようですし、来場者は様々な地域の慣習や名所などについて知ることができ、新たな発見をたくさんすることができたようです。
来年もどうぞよろしくお願いします!!“International Day” is one of popular programs which Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP) regularly holds. At this event, Japanese and exchange (international) students introduce their home countries or towns for a few minutes. Presentation style is all up to each presenter! Either way, this event always makes the audience students to feel like experiencing a virtual tour to various places around the world and across Japan!
Still, this year is a little bit an exceptional and its long-awaited “International Day”, which was the first time in the school year 2019 finally came into the light in December! Exchange students from China and South Korea volunteered to be presenters! Luckily enough, there was an extra summary introduction about Saitama by Japanese student!
First presenter, a female Chinese student, Li showed how Chinese celebrate New Year, most of which were quite same as Japan, especially Nagasaki. Given geographic perspectives and the historical background between PRC and the far-west land in Japan, Nagasaki, it’s natural that there’re similarities. Her presentation rather recognized us Japan got influenced a lot from the giant neighboring country when it comes to say classical and traditional customs.
Next came Son’s show time about South Korea, actually about his home, Gyeongju, to be precise. How many of you knew that it was the former Korean capital as ancient “Shilla”? Even though it’s a fresh new finding, you can tell that after seeing all those remarkable and outstanding temples and palaces including Buddhist arts and crafts. Son never forgot to emphasize, as an youngster indeed, that Gyeongju is not just an old town and added that it’s evolving to a fusion city stuffed to the gills with history and modern café.
As a bonus presentation about Saitama, Japan, Shogo Tanaka did good job spotlighting his place of birth to attract participant exchange students for whom it was almost first time for them to hear “Saitama”. Thanks to many “cool Japan” Saitama bears, such as manga cartoon and anime films, it was successful enough to make a good impression on everybody in the venue.
As always, each presentation has driven the audience to travel there to try many things from peculiar to staple ones! Seeing is believing. Why don’t you grab your passport and fly (You can just take yourself, as far as Saitama, even without your passport!)??
GP is looking forward to having you again in “International Day”! See you at next destination!!
南部 協働
観光客と交流しよう!長崎まちなか道案内隊ボランティア/Nagasaki Students Volunteer Guides
- 日程
- 2019年12月15日(日)09:45~12:00
- 場所
- 松山町、平和町、浜口町/Around Matsuyama-machi/Heiwa-machi/Hamaguchi-machi
- 内容
南部 学生自主企画活動
GP Year End Party 2019 -Wishing You Happy Holidays!!-
- 日程
- 2019年12月12日(木)18:00~19:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学文教キャンパス学生交流プラザ/Student Community Plaza, Bunkyo Campus
- 内容
12月12日(木)、長崎大学学生交流プラザでYear End Party を行いました!
最後は、冬休みの予定などについてカフェトーク をしながら楽しむことができました。
そして、12/17(火)は2019年最後のGPイベント【International Day】(※)を計画しています。
18:00~ 学プラで中国、韓国出身の留学生と埼玉県出身の日本人学生がそれぞれのふるさと紹介をしてくれる予定です。是非みなさん、お越しください! (GP学生企画運営委員2年)
On Thursday, 12th this month, GP held its “Year End Party”, involving several entertainments planned by GP driving committee member students in order for participants to enjoy Japanese-style festive season.
To name a few, a volunteer GP student leader disguised as Santa Claus gave brief presentation, at the beginning, about each styles and customs of how to spend festive holiday in Japan and some European countries. But as expected indeed, participant foreign students got all glued to slides and interested in when “Santa Claus” showed and explained how important New Year is for Japanese and its traditions; such as popular TV chanson show, New Year food “Osechi”, New Year ‘petit’ allowance “Otoshidama”, and kite-flying game, so forth.
How many can you name other more??
And for last half of the party, participants got mingled and enjoyed several stalls where they could experience Japanese-specific games played especially during New Year holidays throughout the land. Even though it should have been the first time for most of international fellows to try these games, they were pretty much fast-learners and rather beat Japanese buddies! Hat off to them!!
GP hopes each one of you have a wonderful holiday and great coming new year. Oops, wait a sec by then, you cannot miss GP another event waiting next week, yes, “International Day(*)”!!
This is going to be the last GP event for the year 2019. We would love to have you again and wrap up this year together with many finds you’d never known, like attractions of China, South Korea, and Saitama prefecture in Japan!! See you soon! (Japanese female sophomore student of GP Students Driving Committee)
南部 学生企画運営協議会
- 日程
- 2019年12月8日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎大学教育学部6階633室
- 内容
南部 協働
SANTA RUN IN NAGASAKI 2019ボランティア/Volunteer for “SANTA RUN in NAGASAKI 2019”
- 日程
- 2019年12月1日(日)08:30~15:30
- 場所
- 中央公園(長崎市賑町5-100)/“Chuou” Central Park (Nigiwai-machi 5-100, Nagasaki city)
- 内容
長崎の青年会議所が毎年開催している、病気と闘う子どもたちへのチャリティー型イベント、「サンタ・ラン(SANTA RUN)」が行われ、参加者が無事にスタートからゴールまで完走できるよう、コース上での誘導や応援の声掛けを行う等、GPからも数名の学生がボランティアとして活動しました。
長崎大学の留学生として、長崎の地域社会で行われている色々な活動に関わり、長崎市民の生活の一部を体験したくて、参加しました。 ~(中略)~ 僕ができることで長崎の人たちの役に立ったり、逆に、頑張っている子供たちのおかげで自分にとっても、力になりました。(韓国人男子留学生)
南部 協働
シバヤギ交流会受付ボランティア/”SHIBA-YAGI Goat” Gathering Event Volunteer at Nagasaki Sotome Area
- 日程
- 2019年12月1日(日)
- 場所
- 出津地区公民館/Shitsu District Community Center
- 内容
Do you know there’s an unique indigenous “capra” (so to speak ‘goat’) which is a native goat and traditionally breed in Nagasaki? It’s biologically and locally called “SHIBA-YAGI.”
“Shitsu Community Development Council,” which tackles to liven up the community around Sotome area through various activities of ecology & environment regularly holds meetings where Shiba-yagi breeders, keepers, and anyone who is interested in getting them can exchange and interact.
In the beginning of December, 3 international students from GP went all the way to Sotome area, the far west of Nagasaki to help running the meeting. One of them, from the Netherlands, participated in this volunteering activity as recalling goats her family has raised in her home town. At last, there were no Shiba-yagi, which was pity for her but the magnificent scenery of west end Nagasaki’s landscape and mingling with big-hearted locals were much enough to pay off volunteer students efforts.