HOME > 活動報告(2022年09月)
南部 協働
【ボランティア】平和を願う灯籠舟流しイベントボランティア/Volunteer for Floating Lantern Ships Event
- 日程
- 2022年9月11日(日)17:20~20:00
- 場所
- 原爆資料館・下の川
- 内容
Due to the bad weather, the postponed event had been held on 9.11 finally!
Three international and four Japanese students from GP joined this work. Two of them continued to work from last year!
Volunteer duties set the lantern-ships that were drawn by children from all over the world and DIY volunteers beforehand, lit the candles, released the lanterns in the river, and photo/video shooting as well post-ceremony cleanup.
Thinking of peace with this action, and we could find so many ways to contribute for peace.
南部 協働
【ボランティア】サンセットロード植栽事業ボランティア/Ecology & Environment Volunteer at Nagasaki Sotome Area
- 日程
- 2022年9月4日(日)09:45~11:30
- 場所
- 長崎市西出津町サンセットロード・砥石崎道路公園~赤首町バス停周辺
- 内容
…English texts follow Japanese…
There is a non-profit organization which tackles to local/community development around Sotome area in Nagasaki and one of its highlighted initiatives is ecology & environment activity held along the Route 202 (so-called “Sunset Road”) once a month.
Thankfully, the organization invited students to join in this activity and 2 international students from GP took part in.
The bus stop where they were supposed to meet up is very far way from Nagasaki University, it takes an hour, and I am so glad they got there safely!!
Thanks to the precautions and consideration taken by the volunteer host, however, 2 member students got successfully managed to engage in. All works seemed to be a lot of sweat but much worthy doing in regard to cooperating with locals and viewing panoramic landscape of Sotome.
<Feedback from GP student volunteers>
It was my new experience to take off the grass. The duration of the volunteer work was suitable.
They provided us with tools to help with the work and gloves to protect our hands.
I met nice people, they offered us green tea, cake, and delicious grapes.
The other students with nice, I got to speak with them in Japanese and English.
I am glad to know more about the Japanese culture. (international student from Nagasaki University)
First, we concentrated in cutting and taking off the grass, and we are getting to know each other. We had a good conversation time beside working, and we all worked done. Also, there are many churches around there, and it might be fun to visit them.(international student from Nagasaki University)