HOME > 活動報告(2022年12月)
南部 学生企画運営協議会
- 日程
- 2022年12月17日(土)14:00~15:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学 教育学部6F 633室(Zoomでの参加も可能)
- 内容
南部 学生自主企画活動
お正月準備祭 / New Year Festival!!
- 日程
- 2022年12月16日(金)17:50~19:30
- 場所
- 633室(長崎大学 教育学部棟6F)
- 内容
(日本語のあとに英語でも記載しています。English follows Japanese.)
フリートークが終わった後は、折り紙でしめ縄づくりをしました!これには、日本人学生も含めてみんなかなり苦戦…!(><) 企画した1年生や器用な学生が先生となり、教えて回るのに大忙しでした。グループのみんなで力を合せて頑張る姿が微笑ましかったです。無事に完成した時には、拍手が沸き起こるグループもありました。
Only little bit left until a new year! so, we held “New Year Festival” to experience Japanese traditions! As well as the Christmas event, we received many applications and 30 members gathered! It was a lively event with new GP members.
As usual, the event started with self-introduction and free talk. I saw many students speaking English to communicate with international students who came to japan only a few months ago.
After the free conversation, they made a “Shime-nawa” with origami! Everyone had a really hard time with it …(><) The students who planned this event and who are good with hands got very busy with teaching everyone how to fold. It was heartwarming to see students working together as a team. There was even a group that broke into applause when they made it successfully.
Some students who finished or gave up origami could write “Nenga-jo”. There was an international student who’s interested in “Nenga-jo” and asked others where she could buy it. We hope this will be the first opportunity for international students to send New Year greetings to someone.
Even after the event, student didn’t leave soon and enjoyed talking. This event became a good memory at the end of the year! We look forward to having fun again next year!!
南部 学生自主企画活動
クリスマスカードを作ろう!! / Let’s Make Christmas Cards!!
- 日程
- 2022年12月12日(月)17:50~19:00
- 場所
- 学生交流プラザ
- 内容
(日本語のあとに英語でも記載しています。English follows Japanese.)
仲が少し深まったところで、次はクリスマスカード作り!絵を描いたり、シールで飾りつけたり、みんなとても上手に作っていました。アイディアが浮かばない...と、なかなか手が動かなかった学生も、携帯で見本になるものを探して一生懸命作業をし、可愛らしいカードを完成させていました!最後は心のこもった可愛いカードがたくさん並べられ、眺めるだけでも笑顔になりました(^^) 作ったカードは幼稚園の子どもたちに送られるそうです。きっと受け取った子どもたちも喜んでくれると思います!
We had an event to make Christmas Cards as part of volunteer work! Totally 23 students participated in this event, and more than half of them were international students. It was a multinational event!!
First of all, it started with a free talk to get to know each other! The students were separated into groups and chatted freely about six topics. Each group seemed to be having fun talking about "Customs of Christmas and New Year" ,“Food Recommendations" and etc. Though some students were quiet at first, gradually became more relaxed and started to show smiles♪
After students got a little closer, it was time to make Christmas cards! Some drew pictures, some decorated with stickers, and everyone made it very well! Even though there are some students who had a hard time to get ideas of how to make cards, they successfully made lovely cards by looking at samples on their phones! At the end, there were many lovely warm cards lined up, and it just made us smile. :) The cards will be sent to children in the kindergarten. I'm sure the children will be very happy too!
Receiving Christmas cards make people smile of course, but making it also gave us smile! This event helped GP members get closer and it must have been a wonderful memory for them!!