HOME > 活動報告(2018年06月)
南部 その他
- 日程
- 2018年6月30日(土)
- 場所
- 西坂小学校体育館
- 内容
南部 協働
クルーズ客船通訳ボランティア/Volunteer Guide Interpreter for Cruise Ship Passengers
- 日程
- 2018年6月27日(水)~6月28日(木)
- 場所
- 松ヶ枝国際ターミナルビル内の観光案内所/Nagasaki Port Matsugae International Cruise Ship Terminal
- 内容
*Refer to the link below for the summary of volunteer guide interpreter for cruise ship passengers. You can also enjoy the report on the previous port call.
In the end of June, mega cruise ships from Taiwan carrying nearly 2,500 and 3,500 respectively dropped in at a port consecutively. Two GP members who are exchange students from Taiwan gave it a go as volunteer interpreter guides.
Learning about not only how to guide but also “omotenashi (hospitality)” was meaningful to volunteers.
南部 北部 学生自主企画活動
第5回 GET プレゼンテーション大会 ~予選会~
- 日程
- 2018年6月24日(日)10:30~14:30
- 場所
- 長崎大学 文教スカイホール
- 内容
The Presentation Competition started from 2014, and has been hosted by the Consortium of Universities in Nagasaki, consisting of 11 member universities and colleges. The Consortium holds "Nagasaki 'Glocal' Alliance Project (GP)" as its primal program and has made GP member students take responsibility of planning and running the contest every year.
As being profitable, especially for the Students' Planning and Management Office of GP, to nurture the skills to disseminate one’s own knowledge and experience, the competition has become a highlighting event for GP.
This year, GP was honored to open the qualifying round of Presentation Competition 2018 at Bunkyo Sky Hall in Nagasaki Univ. on June 24th.
By this commemorable day, GP members including newly joined freshmen have been carefully making and preparing all sorts of plans. In terms of presenters, GP received 16 entries, which was as many as usual for the latest tendency. In order to select excellent finalists, three people who are active at the forefront of their works were invited by GP to act as judges.
The contest basically welcomes any students regardless of either GP or non-GP members. As it turned out, 16 presenters composed of students from 4 universities and 4 nationalities this year. Some GP members bravely applied for presenters as well. Each one was allotted 2 minutes for their presentations based on the theme; “Adversity.” This was an excellent opportunity for them to present lessons he or she learnt through their hardships and address how adversity had been occurred and how to overcome it. Some proposed unique paths which were still persuasive and breakthrough. Overall, all presenters succeeded to emphasize their own key messages.
On the other hand, GP members played a nice backseat players, as administrative staff, to make this event well organized for presenters and audience! It owed a lot for not only every day’s meetings and rehearsals, but also each one’s leadership.
At last, picking up finalists among 16 candidates was tough since every presentation was too close to call each other’s. However, there should be winners while there are losers. That’s the life. Therefore, 6 presenters were happily nominated to advance to the final round!
・目代実穂渚(Ms. Mihona Mokudai)/長崎国際大学(Nagasaki International Univ.)
・于曉雯(Ms. YU XIAOWEN)/長崎大学(Nagasaki Univ.)
・金白燮(Mr. KIM BAEK SUB)/長崎国際大学(Nagasaki International Univ.)
・洪恩穂(Mr. HONG EUN SOO)/長崎国際大学(Nagasaki International Univ.)
・上妻裕子(Ms. Yuko Kozuma)/長崎大学(Nagasaki Univ.)
・直塚大成(Mr. Taisei Naotsuka)/長崎大学(Nagasaki Univ.)
- 関連リンク:※プレゼンテーション力養成講座
- 添付ファイル:第5回GETプレゼンテーション大会 予選会 実施要項(.pdf)
南部 北部 共修
「グローカルリーダー育成基礎講座」~基盤となる力とその育成~ ③
- 日程
- 2018年6月24日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎大学スカイホール等
- 内容
南部 北部 共修
プレゼンテーション力 養成講座 ③
- 日程
- 2018年6月24日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎大学 教養教育講義棟A-11,12講義室
- 内容
プレゼンテーション力 養成講座の第3回目は、午前中に「非言語スキルトレーニング~表情・ジェスチャートレーニング、ボイストレーニング」、「上手いプレゼンテーションとは?」、「プレゼンテーション評価の仕方」について講義があり、午後から同じ長崎大学内で開催された「第5回GETプレゼンテーション大会」予選会(※)を観覧しました。そして、同大会に出場した16名の学生プレゼンターのプレゼンを審査するという、評価方法の実践を行いました。
南部 北部 共修
「グローカルリーダー育成基礎講座」~基盤となる力とその育成~ ③
- 日程
- 2018年6月23日(土)
- 場所
- 長崎大学スカイホール等
- 内容
本講座の第3回目は、グローカルリーダーに求められる資質のひとつである「伝える力」を鍛えることを目的とし、同じくNICEキャンパス長崎で開催されている『プレゼンテーション力 養成講座』(※)を担当している教員より、プレゼンテーション力を強くする方法について講義が行われました。
- 関連リンク:※プレゼンテーション力 養成講座
南部 協働
The young Americans 学生サポーターボランティア/Student Volunteer for the Young Americans
- 日程
- 2018年6月15日(金)~6月17日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎市民会館/Nagasaki City Public Hall
- 内容
楽しく英語に触れて学んでいる子どもたちの姿を見て、歌やダンスを通した教育に触れた学生たち。いきいきとした子どもたちのまなざしが印象に残ったようでした。“The Young Americans (*)” is a non-profit performance and educational organization mainly based in the USA. It conducts many workshops, shows and tours & outreach throughout the world.
Here in Nagasaki, there held a 2-3 consecutive days workshop targeting children, especially from northwest of Kyushu, in mid-June.
11 GP student volunteers including 1 exchange student took part in this international energetic event and their prime responsibility was to look for participant kids.
As long as kids were mostly from Japan, volunteers were not required to be fluent in English, but spending time together in the all-in-English circumstance in which trainers and kids communicated inspired some volunteers to improve their language ability. For some who are in major of pedagogy, there were full of tips on how to educate children by means of music and dance. Anyway, so amazing that participant children stunningly grew up through intensive trainings! Not only physical aspects but also mental ones. At last, this initiative seemed to turn out to be a win-win event.
南部 協働
大分大学教育学部附属小学校修学旅行スタッフボランティア/Accompanying Staff Volunteer for Oita Elementary School’s Excursion
- 日程
- 2018年6月14日(木)
- 場所
- 長崎市内/Downtown Nagasaki
- 内容
また、自分のスキルを活かすことができ、楽しく満足した活動となりました。As a part of the excursion of Oita Elementary School 6th graders, there planned an itinerary for children to give non-native Japanese an English tour around Nagasaki tourist spots. Then 19 exchange students out of GP members volunteered to be kids’ English practice partners accompanying and strolling together.
The day started with meetings and greetings for both kids and student volunteers. Kids were divided into some groups and two volunteers were assigned to each group. It was impressive that kids were very good at using English to introduce themselves!
After warming up and breaking the ice, each group headed to each destination. There were a few kids who hesitated to communicate with volunteers, but every single kid was always trying their very best to make the most of this opportunity because they must had prepared a lot doing search on Nagasaki’s sightseeing spots and studying English. Their dedicated and positive mind touched all the student volunteers.
Upon participating in this initiative, exchange students learnt, through kids’ diligence, the spirit to study foreign languages as well as managing and carrying out plans. More than that, they were grateful to be a significant role for kids by making use of their English proficiency.
南部 北部 共修
プレゼンテーション力 養成講座 ②
- 日程
- 2018年6月10日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎大学 教養教育講義棟A-11,12講義室
- 内容
プレゼンテーション力 養成講座、第2回目の内容は
- 関連リンク:※第5回GETプレゼンテーション大会
南部 学生自主企画活動
International Day(6月6日)
- 日程
- 2018年6月6日(水)18:00~19:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学学生交流プラザ
- 内容
今年度、記念すべき第1回目となるInternational Dayでは、フランス、内モンゴル、鹿児島出身の学生が色んな切り口で故郷をプレゼンしてくれました!
“International Day” is one of popular programs which Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP) regularly has. At this event, Japanese and exchange (international) students introduce their home countries or towns for a few minutes with presentation slides. Some previous fellows showed its traditional garments as they dressed up. Some played and demonstrated songs, instruments, and dance that were typical of each region. Different people, different styles of presenting! Either way, this event always makes the audience students to feel like experiencing a virtual tour to various places around the world and across Japan!
GP, for the first “International Day” in the school year 2018, was honored to have presenters from France, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and Kagoshima (Japan)!
Below are some excerpts from presenters’ interesting remarks:
I. France
“You can’t see France for Paris! (quoting “you cannot see the forest for the trees.”)”
“French people are content to walk around their bread practically NAKED!! Bread, especially baguette, is a symbol of French!”
“Japanese has many words from French, such as ‘abekku (avec)”.
II. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
“The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is often mixed up with Mongolia, but they’re totally different!”
“Around the region for some seasons, all the ground is covered with yellow sand. Yellow world appears!”
“Mutton and lamb are the most typical foodstuff for cuisine of Inner Mongolia. We eat almost every part of them. ”
III. Kagoshima (Japan)
“Kagoshima is so big that many aspects from Osumi Peninsula and ones from western part; Satsuma are quite different. Plus, Amami islands and every other isle has its own characteristics!”
“Kagoshima dialect always makes my friends confused and they make fun of it.”
Most of audience students got surprised to know many things they’ve never known or to recognize that they had their preconceptions. Interestingly and impressively saying, they had their love and attachment to their own home town as a common point. Finally, they succeeded to make their places very appealing to the audience!