HOME > 活動報告(2020年02月)
南部 協働
V・ファーレン長崎ホームゲームスタッフボランティア/V Varen Nagasaki Home Game Staff Volunteer
- 日程
- 2020年2月23日(日)
- 場所
- トランスコスモススタジアム長崎(諫早市)/Transcosmos Stadium in Isahaya city
- 内容
Here in Nagasaki, we have a professional soccer team called "V-VAREN NAGASAKI" and it is one of vigorous teams of Japan League (J-2).
When it takes on its rival teams on its home field, Isahaya stadium, such as once or twice in a month, it calls for many home game volunteers to successfully run games. Participant students usually join in task force such as logistics, trash collecting, set-up/breakdown, greeting stations, and so forth.
At the end of February, the memorable opening match for V Varen Nagasaki was successfully carried out at its home stadium amid the novel coronavirus crisis throughout the nation. Given all the serious coronavirus situation, there established many disinfection stands where visitors and supporters could be sprayed with alcohol, and some of our GP member volunteers played this important role as a duty. On the brighter side, in order to make happen one of top highlighting attractions, “mini lantern festival at V Varen Stadium,” other GP volunteers sweated hanging lanterns all over the site.
V Varen scored 1-0 victory over Tochigi SC as if all the powerful players of Nagasakites after all and everyone felt its passion and momentum to keep winning by overcoming all the difficulties!!
<参加学生の声/Feedbacks from GP student volunteers>
・この活動を通して色んな人に関わることができて良かった。配布はキツかったけど、またやってみたいと思う。(日本人学生)/It was good opportunity for me to interact many people with various backgrounds. Distributing handouts and souvenirs to a whole lot of supporters was much more challenging than expected but it was worth it. (Japanese male student)
・このボランティア活動で、自分が社会に果たすべき役割を担うことができたので、満足です。(ガーナ人男子留学生)/The volunteer activity met my expectation by contributing my quota to society. (Ghanaian male student)
南部 協働
- 日程
- 2020年2月22日(土)
- 場所
- 長崎大学構内、長崎市内の特徴的な観光スポットなど
- 内容
<English translation follows Japanese.>
Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, in the end of February, 17 engineers from 17 countries made a tour of bridges in Nagasaki to study how to inspect and repair bridges through lectures and training courses organized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which outsourced the training to Nagasaki University.
During the training, as a part of their experiencing Japanese culture sessions, strolling Nagasaki downtown excursion was designed and carried out. Prior to this, the trainees’ host, JICA and Nagasaki Uni asked the relevant departments, and GP could successfully send 5 volunteers including Japanese and international fellows.
One of them, a female Japanese student who spent most of her time in juggling manything like studying, volunteering works, and GP activities, played a wondrous role by mobilizing all her knowledges of engineering she accumulated through her academic life at the engineer faculty and leadership she nurtured from various extracurricular programs.
Eventually, the JICA trainees gave a big applause to her and all the other member volunteer students thanking to their big effort. And their feedback concluded as; “Volunteer students’ hospitality was amazing,” “I was so touched not only by the beautiful and neat environment in Nagasaki but also interacting with local students,” and such.
南部 協働
Volunteer for Exchange Meetup with Nomozaki Junior High School Students/野母崎中学生との交流ボランティア
- 日程
- 2020年2月21日(金)
- 場所
- Nomozaki Junior High School/長崎市立野母崎中学校
- 内容
<English translation follows Japanese.>
By popular demand by Nomozaki junior high school which held the exchange meet-up gathering for its students and Nagasaki Uni’s international fellows last year, the junior high school willingly invited some this year again!!
GP deployed 4 international members to this initiative, consisting of various backgrounds such as Algeria, China, Nigeria, and Zambia. Since this was the first time for most of this delegate member to trip far down of Nagasaki peninsula, as reaching to south on the way to Nomozaki, they enjoyed the scenery of coastal area and got excited to see “Meoto-iwa (Married Couple Rocks)” and “Gunkanjima (Battleship Island).” As an aside, the weather was perfectly on their side, so about an one hour single trip drive itself was quite like a fun hung out.
Upon arrival, the school principal and many teachers extended a warm welcome to volunteer students and the vice-principal even took them around the brief school trip where pupils ran up exclaiming in delight to the volunteers.
The interacting session then started right away after the volunteer delegate entered in the venue and then followed many attractions filled with pupil’s ideas and hospitality; a welcome song to reacquaint with each other, “Fukuwarai” game which is a traditional Japanese game as an icebreaker, self-introduction, and pupils’ presentations on Nomozaki. As far as today’s youngsters including volunteer fellows are tech-savvy, they took good advantage of using i-pads for further understanding of each other’s culture.
Two-hour class flew so fast but we had to say good-bye.
While being hard to farewell for both pupils and volunteer students (and teachers as well!), they called it a day, wishing to see again not before too long.
【参加学生からの感想/Feedback from GP student volunteer】
活動はとてもおもしろくてワクワクするものでしたし、生徒たちの積極的な姿勢には感動しました。生徒のなかでも、台本を見ずに自信をもって、ときにアドリブをきかせながら英語で話す子もいれば、恥ずかし気に、でも頑張って話す子もいました。(ザンビア人男子学生)/The experience was awesome and refreshing. The pupils were so impressing to interact with. I could see some very confident, talked freely without looking at scripts while others were timid. (Zambian male student)