HOME > 活動報告(2022年10月)
南部 協働
ボランティア】千々石の里山 再生プロジェクト/ Chijiwa no Satoyama Restoration Project
- 日程
- 2022年10月23日(日)08:00~15:30
- 場所
- 長崎県雲仙市千々石町庚3902番地 Nagasaki-ken, Unzen-city, Chijiwakou 3902
- 内容
…English follows Japanese…
…English follows Japanese…
In October 23rd, we ran our second volunteer day with the ‘Chijiwa no Satoyama Restoration Project’ from this September!
We chartered a bus from the University to Chijiwa in Unzen city. Was our bus able to go through to the deep mountain’s road? Yes, it was! There were no bus stops around there, the place is difficult for students to get to by themselves.
5 international students and 1 Japanese student from GP joined a group of other students-30 in total. We separated into 3 groups. We did lots of jobs such as maintaining the old abandoned fields, carrying lumber and mowing the grass. We also planted rye in the fields and collected mulch to make fertilizer for the fields.
We took turns, and all students did the same duties.
First, we heard that there were some vipers around, it was so scary to hear that! However, to my relief, we did not encounter any. We found a boar’s den. We don’t see nature like this in our city life.
All the volunteering took about 2 hours, we did some hard work, furthermore, I am proud of all students, who did their best!
Some students cooked fresh rice balls, and miso soup with people from this volunteer organization, and all these were absolutely delicious. We enjoyed them after all the volunteering work!
On the way to the University, we stopped off at the organic food market, and we had a good time shopping with today’s new friends.
On this day, we experienced beautiful green nature, fresh air, water, and agricultural food, and experienced what life in Japan used to be like.
南部 北部 学生自主企画活動
GP交流会 / GP Meeting
- 日程
- 2022年10月2日(日)17:00~18:30
- 場所
- 長崎大学教育学部6階633室/Room#633,6th floor Faculty of Education Bldg at Bunkyo Campus
- 内容
学生からの提案では、季節のハロウィンパーティー、長崎めぐり、ハイキング、九州旅行、雪を見に行きたい、和菓子つくり、tea party, 運動会、書初め大会 等々。どれもとても楽しそうな内容が盛りだくさんですね。この中から多数決を採ると和菓子つくりに多くの賛同がありました。
GP held GP meeting!.
7 fresh students, 13 international students, and other senior students came along, so there were 25sutdensts came along!
First, we tried to know each other, so we did self-introduction in each group, and watched GP short movies. We changed the seats, and talked the events what we want to hold.
Halloween party, sightseeing in Nagasaki, hiking, travel in Kyushu, seeing snow, Japanese sweets, tea party, sport festival, New Year's calligraphy competition, and so on. All ideas excite us!
We voted among these,’ Japanese sweets’ was chosen!!
Let’s do fun activities together!