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南部 学生自主企画活動 

International Day(7月10日)





7月10日(火)に今年度第2回目となるInternational Dayを開催しました!紹介してくれたのはフィリピンと韓国からの留学生。






例えば、「T-MONEY」という全国共通の乗り物券の使い方や、「NAVER マップ」というアプリを使えば移動について不自由しないことなどを紹介し、“観光客にとっても便利で優しい“点が存分にアピールされていました。また、全世界にあるマクドナルドだけど、韓国で食べるなら「プルコギバーガー」というオリジナルがあるからぜひ食べてほしい!など、おすすめグルメや今韓国の若者の間で流行っている場所やレジャーについても(美味しそうな写真をたっぷり使った)スライドとともに話してくれました。聞いている学生らに「もう、これは今すぐ韓国に行くっきゃない!」と思わせたこと請け合いでした!




※前回のInternational Dayの様子は下記リンクからご覧いただけます。


“International Day” is one of popular programs which Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP) regularly has. At this event, Japanese and exchange (international) students introduce their home countries or towns for a few minutes. Presentation style is all up to each presenter! Either way, this event always makes the audience students to feel like experiencing a virtual tour to various places around the world and across Japan!


“International Day” for the second time in the school year 2018 was held in July. Exchange students from the Philippines and South Korea volunteered to be presenters!


First came the presentation about the Philippines. Surprisingly, more than 170 languages are spoken there and some regions receive TV programs broadcasting in its local languages while Tagalog is recognized to be its official one.


Regarding food, presenter, Kim, insisted there are many more representative and distinctive foodstuff other than bananas, such as BALUT (fertilized duck eggs), DINUGUAN (stew made with pig’s blood and pork meat), and BETAMAX (coagulated pork or chicken blood sliced into rectangular blocks). It was sorry that none of them seemed appealing to the audience while Kim continued explaining how they taste good no matter how fellows were making a face.


Next followed the presenter, Hong’s show time. With eye-catching slides he prepared, he demonstrated useful handy tips to enjoy South Korea while traveling.


For example, T-money (rechargeable smart card that can be used to pay public transit fares) and Naver Maps App. That’s a high tech country for you! 

And as same as the former’s presentation, everybody got excited when foods came up. Have you been to McDonalds in South Korea ever? Many stores serve bulgogi burgers which you must try and Hong recommends. And according to Hong, buffet (all-you-can-eat) style and enjoying food delivery to outdoor are getting popular among youngsters lately.


Both presenters ended up their presentations with remarks, “please come visit my country/town!” Seeing is believing. Their presentations have driven the audience to travel there to try many things from peculiar to staple ones!


*Click or visit the link below for the event report of the previous “International Day”.


  • フィリピン編


  • 韓国編


  • 発表してくれた留学生を囲んで


南部 北部 学生自主企画活動 

第5回 GET プレゼンテーション大会 ~本選~ (7月8日)

長崎大学 文教スカイホール



























"Nagasaki 'Glocal' Alliance Project (GP)" is honored to report its one of the most highlighting events, the Presentation Competition 2018.


The competition started from 2014 and this year was its commemorable 5th open! 

On July 8th, 6 finalists who won the qualifying round held two weeks before challenged to the final round at Bunkyo Sky Hall, Nagasaki Univ. and all finalists delivered well examined and creative presentations, which made this event heated! The audience could not help but had been sending generous clapping to each presenter. 


Originally, GP member students consisting of 11 universities and colleges throughout Nagasaki has generally taken responsibility of organizing and running the contest. Members were divided into 4 sections such as administration, planning, publicity, and public relations. And they made the qualifying round successfully happen, which got them more motivated and fueled energy into the preparation of the final round. 


As for the final, each finalist was given 5 minutes for their presentations based on the theme; “Adversity,” which was same as the primary round. And 6 judges including presidents and council members of universities, Nagasaki City Hall’s general manager, ex marathon athlete who is originally from Nagasaki, and the head of a non-profit organization based in Nagasaki got ready. 


An effort of GP members, especially publicity and public relations sections staff, was so worthwhile that hundreds of spectators gathered! Then, the curtain opened and voila, everything went as planned and scheduled. More than that, all GP members could feel that they nailed it since many positive feedbacks were handed in. 

“It was a great opportunity.” (Presenter)

“I’m honored to participate in the competition to convey my message.” (Presenter)

“Good experience to know various perspectives of presenters.” (Audience)

“The contest gave me a meaningful time.” (Audience)

“I hope this excellent initiative continues in the future.” (Audience)

“GP students did a good job! Youth cooperation beyond universities like GP activity is awesome.” (Audience)



The theme for this year’s competition was “Adversity.” Each presenter overcame his or her own adversity and congratulations to the winners! And so to GP fellows. Every member faced many difficulties and struggled when discussing, making decisions, and being turned down by outside parties or, sometimes, comrades. In that regard, organizing this event itself had to be consecutive of challenges for them. However, members made this initiative and opportunity very friendly to presenters and audience, and all the efforts they put were turned rewarded at last! 



最優秀賞:金白燮(KIM BAEK SUB)/長崎国際大学/韓国

優秀賞:洪恩穂(HONG EUN SOO)/長崎国際大学/韓国 

審査員特別賞:于曉雯(YU XIAOWEN)/長崎大学/中国 






  • GP学生スタッフ、準備に準備を重ねて当日を迎えました!


  • それぞれの力を出し切った6名に結果発表の瞬間が…!


  • プレゼンター、審査員、GP学生スタッフ、関係者全員で!


南部 北部 学生自主企画活動 

第5回 GET プレゼンテーション大会 ~予選会~

長崎大学 文教スカイホール
















The Presentation Competition started from 2014, and has been hosted by the Consortium of Universities in Nagasaki, consisting of 11 member universities and colleges. The Consortium holds "Nagasaki 'Glocal' Alliance Project (GP)" as its primal program and has made GP member students take responsibility of planning and running the contest every year.

As being profitable, especially for the Students' Planning and Management Office of GP, to nurture the skills to disseminate one’s own knowledge and experience, the competition has become a highlighting event for GP.


This year, GP was honored to open the qualifying round of Presentation Competition 2018 at Bunkyo Sky Hall in Nagasaki Univ. on June 24th.


By this commemorable day, GP members including newly joined freshmen have been carefully making and preparing all sorts of plans. In terms of presenters, GP received 16 entries, which was as many as usual for the latest tendency. In order to select excellent finalists, three people who are active at the forefront of their works were invited by GP to act as judges.


The contest basically welcomes any students regardless of either GP or non-GP members. As it turned out, 16 presenters composed of students from 4 universities and 4 nationalities this year. Some GP members bravely applied for presenters as well. Each one was allotted 2 minutes for their presentations based on the theme; “Adversity.” This was an excellent opportunity for them to present lessons he or she learnt through their hardships and address how adversity had been occurred and how to overcome it. Some proposed unique paths which were still persuasive and breakthrough. Overall, all presenters succeeded to emphasize their own key messages.


On the other hand, GP members played a nice backseat players, as administrative staff, to make this event well organized for presenters and audience! It owed a lot for not only every day’s meetings and rehearsals, but also each one’s leadership.


At last, picking up finalists among 16 candidates was tough since every presentation was too close to call each other’s. However, there should be winners while there are losers. That’s the life. Therefore, 6 presenters were happily nominated to advance to the final round! 




・目代実穂渚(Ms. Mihona Mokudai)/長崎国際大学(Nagasaki International Univ.)

・于曉雯(Ms. YU XIAOWEN)/長崎大学(Nagasaki Univ.)

・金白燮(Mr. KIM BAEK SUB)/長崎国際大学(Nagasaki International Univ.)

・洪恩穂(Mr. HONG EUN SOO)/長崎国際大学(Nagasaki International Univ.)

・上妻裕子(Ms. Yuko Kozuma)/長崎大学(Nagasaki Univ.)


・直塚大成(Mr. Taisei Naotsuka)/長崎大学(Nagasaki Univ.)




  • 予選会出場のプレゼンター16名


  • 審査員からの総評


  • プレゼンター、審査員、GPスタッフ、関係者全員で!


南部 学生自主企画活動 

International Day(6月6日)





今年度、記念すべき第1回目となるInternational Dayでは、フランス、内モンゴル、鹿児島出身の学生が色んな切り口で故郷をプレゼンしてくれました!













“International Day” is one of popular programs which Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP) regularly has. At this event, Japanese and exchange (international) students introduce their home countries or towns for a few minutes with presentation slides. Some previous fellows showed its traditional garments as they dressed up. Some played and demonstrated songs, instruments, and dance that were typical of each region. Different people, different styles of presenting! Either way, this event always makes the audience students to feel like experiencing a virtual tour to various places around the world and across Japan!


GP, for the first “International Day” in the school year 2018, was honored to have presenters from France, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and Kagoshima (Japan)!

Below are some excerpts from presenters’ interesting remarks:


I. France

“You can’t see France for Paris! (quoting “you cannot see the forest for the trees.”)”

“French people are content to walk around their bread practically NAKED!! Bread, especially baguette, is a symbol of French!”

“Japanese has many words from French, such as ‘abekku (avec)”.


II. The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region

“The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region is often mixed up with Mongolia, but they’re totally different!”

“Around the region for some seasons, all the ground is covered with yellow sand. Yellow world appears!”

“Mutton and lamb are the most typical foodstuff for cuisine of Inner Mongolia. We eat almost every part of them. ”


III. Kagoshima (Japan)

“Kagoshima is so big that many aspects from Osumi Peninsula and ones from western part; Satsuma are quite different. Plus, Amami islands and every other isle has its own characteristics!”

“Kagoshima dialect always makes my friends confused and they make fun of it.”



Most of audience students got surprised to know many things they’ve never known or to recognize that they had their preconceptions. Interestingly and impressively saying, they had their love and attachment to their own home town as a common point. Finally, they succeeded to make their places very appealing to the audience!


  • フランス編


  • 内モンゴル編


  • 鹿児島(日本)編


南部 学生自主企画活動 

カフェトーク/Cafe Talk

長崎大学学生交流プラザ/Student Community Plaza, Nagasaki Univ.




最初にGPリーダーより、4日前の5月12日(土)に開催したイベント「GP版 長崎さるく」(※)の様子が報告され、参加者が撮影した長崎市街地の街角、名所、名物グルメなどのスライド上映がありました。








今回のCafé Talkでは単にそれについておしゃべりするだけではありません!


今回は最初の10分で『日本語のみ』!そして次の5分間は『English only』!という制限を設けてTalkすることに。英語だけの時間になると少しおとなしくなってしまったテーブルもありましたが、なんとか乗り切りました!






※「GP版 長崎さるく」:活動報告は下のリンクよりご覧いただけます!


“Café Talk*” is almost monthly event of Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP). Following the one in April, GP was pleased to welcome about 60 folks to the subsequent one in May!


As the icebreaker, GP core members firstly introduced how the recent event, Nagasaki “Saruku” (GP ver.)**, went out and many pictures its participants took.


After enjoying pics of scenes and foods which were “something very Nagasakian,” we played the game! 

“What comes up with you upon thinking of Nagasaki?” 

It was to compete for each group to dash off as many words as they could. The group with wonderfully 46 words won!


Pretty enough warmed up with the icebreaker, we went on to the chatting time. “Café Talk” this time required participants to talk only in Japanese for the first 10 minutes and the language was switched to English for the next 5 minutes!


It seemed to be quite challenging for some fellows to communicate in the language in which they struggled, but they gave it a nice try!

Language restriction must have assured many Japanese students to virtually experience how exchange students feel here in Japan. And vice versa!


Anyway, what comes up with you when you hear “Nagasaki”? Is it easy for you to name many instantly?? You might as well become Nagasaki geek as long as you stay/live here! GP continues to plan and organize many activities that help you to do so! 


*”Café Talk” is a round-table chatting where participants talk over themes given. It aims to promote interaction among students regardless of schools, gender, faculties, ages, and nationalities, while chatting freely as if they do just like at a café. 


**Nagasaki “Saruku” (GP ver.) : please go to the link below for event report. 


南部 学生自主企画活動 

GP版ながさきさるく/Nagasaki “Saruku”(GP ver.)

長崎市内 ※【集合場所】長崎駅前高架橋広場(雨のときはかもめ広場)【解散場所】湊公園(長崎市新地町1500-1)











Do you know “Saruku”?

“Saruku” is Nagasaki dialect for strolling around town. In Nagasaki, there are several non-profit organizations and volunteer groups which serve city walk sightseeing tour, “Nagasaki Saruku,” to tourists.

Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP) core members were hammering away at planning some outdoor activities in which especially freshmen and newly arrived exchange students can experience the town while hitting it off with new mates and fellows.

After some discussions, they thought up with that “Saruku” must be the one!

This was the very first “Saruku” organized by GP and about 50 participated in this commemorative initiative!!

They were split into 9 groups and “Saruku” time started!

How and where to “Saruku” was all up to each group.

Some groups got clues from people whom they met like shop owners over chatting and interacting with them, some were led by its group leaders who were equipped enough with much information, and some other made full use of their magic weapons, smartphones.

The day was just in the beginning of May, but somehow became like an Indian summer. After six-hour walking around, all group members had encountered many new and interesting things as well as much sweat!

Brand new born friendship was the best harvest for everybody!!


★ぜひ、こちらのリンク(GPのInstagram)から楽しんでみてください!!★ ↓↓↓

You can enjoy looking at many photos taken by participants via link of GP’s Instagram;



南部 学生自主企画活動 




























南部 学生自主企画活動 

カフェトーク/Cafe Talk




Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP) held the first “Café Talk” for its school year 2018-2019.



Believe it or not, nearly 100 participants got together, which is record-high for the “Café Talk”!!



No wonder! Many students from Siebold Campus in Univ. of Nagasaki and Nagasaki Junshin Catholic Univ. were counted in!



“Café Talk” is where participants talk over themes given. It promotes interaction among students regardless of schools, gender, faculties, ages, and nationalities, while chatting freely as if they do just like at a café. 

The theme this time were; “How has your new life been so far?” and “About Nagasaki.”



A hundred buddies were so positive and easygoing that, in the face of situation in which there was a lack of chairs and stationaries, they soon got along well and cooperated to make this opportunity fun!



The time had passed and time to call it a day! It seemed hard for many fellows to leave, though.



Thanks for you all coming and making this happen! Please go get refreshed during the long weekend in May and hope to have you again in GP upcoming events!!


  • 受付で自分の名前とは違う名札を渡され、その人を探すというアクティビティを最初にしました!


  • ぎゅうぎゅうに寄り合って座って、真剣Talkするグループも!


南部 学生自主企画活動 

Welcome Party

長崎大学学生交流プラザ/Student Community Plaza, Nagasaki Univ.


留学生と新1年生をメインに迎えて、Welcome Partyを行いました。 

Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP) held GP welcome party for freshmen and GP newly joined students!



Though it was unfortunately cloudy and a bit chilly outside around the time the party started, over 160 students joined, which made an eye-catching scene! 



There was no agenda at all besides “mingling,” sticking to a few minimum and simple rules such as; 

“Let’s talk to fellows who are NOT from your country.”

“Go get at least ten new friends!” 



There weren’t enough chairs because GP didn’t expect that many students had come, but that turned out to be beyond its anxiety.  



Some fellows seemed to be overwhelmed and a little bit timid by mass of people and the unprecedented bustle. Many more got excited to make new buddies, and time had gone so fast for them that the venue kept buzzing even after the party was closed.


「自分の国の料理の話で盛り上がったから、みんなで作って食べたりしたい」「みんなでゲームをしてみては?」「Cafe Talkで、もっとじっくり話したい」というアイデア、意見もありましたので、ぜひ、次回につなげていきたいと思います! 

GP hopefully heard some ideas and expectations on GP upcoming activities from many participants. These are fruits that GP core members could get!



Thank you all for coming!!


南部 学生自主企画活動 

新入生説明会&カフェトーク/GP Briefing for Freshmen & Café Talk

長崎大学学生交流プラザ/Student Community Plaza, Nagasaki Univ.



Nagasaki “Glocal” Allican Project (GP) successfully welcomed over 60 freshmen including both Japanese and exchange/int’l students to its briefing session. It must have owed a lot to the effort GP core members made at the orientation held on Apr. 2nd! 




Following the agenda, GP core members explained the generals of GP activities, and one of GP leading events, “Café Talk” time followed. “Café Talk” is where participants talk over themes given. It promotes interaction among students regardless of schools, gender, faculties, ages, and nationalities, while chatting freely as if they do just like at a café. 



After the session and “Café Talk,” many feedback were gathered;

“I enjoyed talking with fellows from various countries.”

“I got a kick out of everybody, getting to know different cultures.”

“This opportunity has spurred me on to obtain communication skills and become a go-getter!”



Exchange students had seemed to be fully satisfied according to their feedback as well, saying;

“Now, I could get to have a lot of buddies.”

“I want to keep on going getting along with Japanese students.”



More than that, GP core members, who had planned and organized the briefing, were excited to hear many positive voices with expectations towards future events of GP!