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南部 協働
ながさき国際協力・交流フェスティバル ボランティア/Nagasaki International Festival Volunteer
- 日程
- 2018年10月28日(日)
- 場所
- 出島交流会館(長崎県美術館となりのビル)
- 内容
事前の説明会でイベント担当の方がていねいにレクチャーしてくれていたおかげで、当日の活動もスムーズに行うことができ、イベントを運営する上でのポイントについても勉強になりました。Nagasaki International Association was honored to hold its 20th “Nagasaki International Festival” and exchange students of GP participated in as volunteers.
There were many booths where visitors could experience different cultures such as traditional garments, foods, products and volunteer staff helped running. They learnt a lot by observing how this kind of big scale events is operated from backstage.
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
(中国留学生)/There came many people to the festival and I was happy to be a part of making this event happen as a volunteer. I’m looking forward to next similar opportunities. (Chinese male student)
南部 協働
新大工町商店街ハロウィンパーティ ボランティア/Halloween Festival Volunteer at Local Shopping District (Shin-Daiku Machi)
- 日程
- 2018年10月27日(土)
- 場所
- 新大工町商店街
- 内容
たくさんの参加者とふれあい、パーティーが終わる頃には多少の疲れとともに大きな充実感で満たされたようです。Trick or Treat! It’s Halloween!!
At Shindaikumachi outdoor shopping district, there holds Halloween Party annually and many volunteer students across Nagasaki are invited to help rock the fest.
As always, many students including exchange fellows of GP participated in this year, and did all their best entertaining kids who came to the party.
They all put up in peculiar, spooky, and charming costumes demonstrating fun games such as monster hunting and the locked box game.
Given that it’s not a custom to celebrate Halloween in some countries where most international students are from, this party was full of discoveries!
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
中国ではハロウィンの雰囲気があまりないので、今回のハロウィンパーティーが初めてともいえます。脚も痛いほど疲れましたけど、子供たちと一緒に遊んで、ダンスパーティに参加して、非常にうれしかったです。(中国留学生)/It was almost first-ever opportunity for me to experience Halloween because Halloween holiday tradition in my country is not as big as in Japan yet. My legs are sore now from fatigue but I got excited to play and dance with children. (Chinese female student)
南部 協働
V・ファーレン長崎ホームゲームスタッフボランティア/V Varen Nagasaki Home Game Staff Volunteer
- 日程
- 2018年10月21日(日)
- 場所
- トランスコスモススタジアム長崎(諫早市)
- 内容
5 international students of GP participated in as V Varen Nagasaki home game staff volunteers on the 21st.
They played an active role of helping creating multilingual signs in order to make the stadium visitor-friendly as we see the trend of increasing number of non-native Japanese residents across Nagasaki and are aiming to welcome many more foreign tourists towards the 2020 Summer Olympics and Paralympics in Tokyo.
Besides staff volunteers, a lot of children also joined this initiative, so it was a good opportunity for students to interact with kids in Japanese.
Moreover, they fortunately stepped in the soccer pitch with kids before kick-off, and delivered the announcement of spectator guidelines in Chinese, English, Japanese and Korean.
Once the game started, not only big plays but also the enthusiasm of each supporter and spectator circulated around the stadium, which thrilled students a lot!!
南部 協働
第10回たのシックフェスティバル スタッフボランティア/Volunteer for the 10th Tano-ssic Festival(Sept. 23-24)
- 日程
- 2018年9月23日(日)~9月24日(月)
- 場所
- 長崎ブリックホール1階ロビー
- 内容
"Tano-ssic Festival" is organized and held annually by Nagasaki city to promote its citizens of men and women in all ages to get familiar with wide range of music and Japanese and international students of GP participated in as volunteers. They helped out with tasks such as balloon art, bubbles, and costumed characters in order to entertain children who came visit the festival. Volunteers enjoyed interacting not only with kids but also other volunteer staff members from high schools. And thank to the festival administration’s courtesy, volunteers could have chance to experience in playing the Japanese traditional instruments and Japanese tea ceremony workshop, which turned out to be precious. Especially, an international student from Algeria who is crazy about music was excited to be given an opportunity to sing a song at the stage even though he was suddenly asked to do so. The audience’s hearts got melted with his voice in an unexpected performance. All the volunteers felt “music definitely brings people all together.”
南部 協働
高齢者との交流ボランティア/Volunteer with Seniors
- 日程
- 2018年8月30日(木)
- 場所
- 長崎市
- 内容
別れ際、「2時間はあっという間で時間が足りなかった!」と話す留学生に、「また来んね!」「待っとるよ!」と言ってくださった「ちょっと寄ってみよう会」のみなさま。ありがとうございました!またいつか遊びに行きたいです☆As a part of GP’s volunteer programs, GP exchange students were honorably invited, by one of senior groups who actively gathers regularly in Fukuda district, Nagasaki city, to its get-together meeting.
Elderly members of the club had been looking forward to hearing from and exchanging multiple cultures with exchange students, and their interests to each one of students were overflowing from the beginning!
Participant students’ nationalities were Algeria, Malaysia, and so forth. It’s no wonder seniors got surprised at and could not help asking to them; “What made you come here Nagasaki all the way from your country?” “How come you’ve settled down to study Japanese which is quite different from your language?”
Students were likewise exciting so much that they willingly told how they’ve liked Nagasaki so far, which created positive atmosphere overall.
Furthermore, they enjoyed origami folding, Japanese traditional games like “otedama” juggling and “kendama.” There were some senior folks who kindly taught Nagasaki dialects to students.
When time to wrap up came, it seemed hard for everybody to say goodbye just as they were like grandpas/grandmas and grandkids.
Beyond generations and boundaries, this opportunity was totally fresh and stimulating for everyone who assembled this gathering.
At last but not least, GP appreciates all the elderly folks for your mercy and thoughtfulness and would love to mingle together again in the future!!
南部 協働
大村イングリッシュサマーキャンプ/Omura English Summer Camp Assistant Volunteer
- 日程
- 2018年8月19日(日)~8月21日(火)
- 場所
- 大村市野岳湖公園
- 内容
There held the English Summer Camp for elementary school kids in Omura. 3 exchange students of GP members, whose nationalities are Afghanistan, Zambia, and Indonesia participated in the camp as assistant volunteers to spend 2 nights with kids, assisting and inspiring them to learn English through various activities conducted only in English.
This overnight summer camp experiences must have nurtured friendships beyond nationalities and ages, and intrinsic motivation to study languages more for both Japanese participant kids and GP student volunteers.
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
・参加小学生が英語&日本語両方でのコミュニケーション力を付けるという機会に参加し、役に立てたことは大変有意義でした。/The experience was good in that I was able to contribute to the practice of communication both in English and Japanese with the students.
南部 協働
五島市イングリッシュキャンプ/Goto English Summer Camp Assistant Volunteer
- 日程
- 2018年8月6日(月)~8月8日(水)
- 場所
- 五島市
- 内容
GP has engaged in Goto English Summer Camp for these last few years upon a request from the board of education of Goto city, and this year’s camp is over in success as planned and scheduled.
Though it had been hottest ever recorded and activities were fully packed in, all volunteer staff members went nuts with participant kids until the very last moment of the camp.
In terms of beginning, you have to break the ice to get along with and get to know each other. Everybody likewise struggled first, but they soon overcame thanks to benefits of camp! Spending nights together made them easily improve their friend-making skills.
Overall, it was great experience for exchange student volunteers to interact with teenage kids whose backgrounds are not only Japanese but Goto islands, which is very unique. As for Japanese adult ones, they successfully gained tips and inspired themselves to become teachers after graduating from universities.
GP and its members who joined in this camp as volunteers are very pleased if communicating with older bros and sis in English meant a lot and brought many fruits to every one of participant kids!
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedbacks from GP Volunteer Students>
・最初は緊張し、戸惑うこともあったが、中学生が笑顔で活動しているのを見られてうれしかった。/I got a little nervous in the beginning, but watching over kids enjoying every moment was good experience.
・人と接することや人前に立って何か行動することはとても勇気のいることだと感じたと同時に、たくさんのことを学ぶことができた。/I found it very hard for me to interact with people from different cultures, so as to even stand in front of crowds of people. But I’m glad to learn and experience so many lessons.
・From this activity I came to know the Japanese education system and initiative which might be useful for me to utilize in my country in future./今回の活動を通して、自発性を促すような日本の教育システムや課外活動について知ることができた。今後、自分の母国に導入、応用できるときがあれば、今回の経験が役に立つと思う。
南部 協働
クルーズ客船通訳ボランティア/Volunteer Guide Interpreter for Cruise Ship Passengers
- 日程
- 2018年6月27日(水)~6月28日(木)
- 場所
- 松ヶ枝国際ターミナルビル内の観光案内所/Nagasaki Port Matsugae International Cruise Ship Terminal
- 内容
*Refer to the link below for the summary of volunteer guide interpreter for cruise ship passengers. You can also enjoy the report on the previous port call.
In the end of June, mega cruise ships from Taiwan carrying nearly 2,500 and 3,500 respectively dropped in at a port consecutively. Two GP members who are exchange students from Taiwan gave it a go as volunteer interpreter guides.
Learning about not only how to guide but also “omotenashi (hospitality)” was meaningful to volunteers.
南部 協働
The young Americans 学生サポーターボランティア/Student Volunteer for the Young Americans
- 日程
- 2018年6月15日(金)~6月17日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎市民会館/Nagasaki City Public Hall
- 内容
楽しく英語に触れて学んでいる子どもたちの姿を見て、歌やダンスを通した教育に触れた学生たち。いきいきとした子どもたちのまなざしが印象に残ったようでした。“The Young Americans (*)” is a non-profit performance and educational organization mainly based in the USA. It conducts many workshops, shows and tours & outreach throughout the world.
Here in Nagasaki, there held a 2-3 consecutive days workshop targeting children, especially from northwest of Kyushu, in mid-June.
11 GP student volunteers including 1 exchange student took part in this international energetic event and their prime responsibility was to look for participant kids.
As long as kids were mostly from Japan, volunteers were not required to be fluent in English, but spending time together in the all-in-English circumstance in which trainers and kids communicated inspired some volunteers to improve their language ability. For some who are in major of pedagogy, there were full of tips on how to educate children by means of music and dance. Anyway, so amazing that participant children stunningly grew up through intensive trainings! Not only physical aspects but also mental ones. At last, this initiative seemed to turn out to be a win-win event.
南部 協働
大分大学教育学部附属小学校修学旅行スタッフボランティア/Accompanying Staff Volunteer for Oita Elementary School’s Excursion
- 日程
- 2018年6月14日(木)
- 場所
- 長崎市内/Downtown Nagasaki
- 内容
また、自分のスキルを活かすことができ、楽しく満足した活動となりました。As a part of the excursion of Oita Elementary School 6th graders, there planned an itinerary for children to give non-native Japanese an English tour around Nagasaki tourist spots. Then 19 exchange students out of GP members volunteered to be kids’ English practice partners accompanying and strolling together.
The day started with meetings and greetings for both kids and student volunteers. Kids were divided into some groups and two volunteers were assigned to each group. It was impressive that kids were very good at using English to introduce themselves!
After warming up and breaking the ice, each group headed to each destination. There were a few kids who hesitated to communicate with volunteers, but every single kid was always trying their very best to make the most of this opportunity because they must had prepared a lot doing search on Nagasaki’s sightseeing spots and studying English. Their dedicated and positive mind touched all the student volunteers.
Upon participating in this initiative, exchange students learnt, through kids’ diligence, the spirit to study foreign languages as well as managing and carrying out plans. More than that, they were grateful to be a significant role for kids by making use of their English proficiency.