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南部 協働
1 Day in English & Japanese Class Assistant Volunteer in Nomozaki Junior High School
- 日程
- 2018年11月22日(木)13:15~15:40
- 場所
- Nomozaki Junior High School/長崎市立野母崎中学校
- 内容
<English translation follows Japanese.>
GP deployed 8 international students to the volunteer initiative at Nomozaki junior high school on Thursday. The delegation consisted of 8 different nationalities; Canada, Egypt, England, Ghana, Lesotho, Taiwan, Vietnam, and Zambia. Since this was the first time for all of them to trip far down of Nagasaki peninsula, as reaching to south on the way to Nomozaki, they enjoyed the scenery of coastal area and got excited to see “Meoto-iwa (Married Couple Rocks)” and “Gunkanjima (Battleship Island).”
Upon arrival, the school principal and many teachers extended a warm welcome to volunteer students and they were soon led to the gymnasium in where about 80 pupils were waiting for the guests.
The class started on time as kids were divided into 8 groups and each volunteer was assigned to each group.
Kids had learnt about their community in class of “Nomozaki Studies” and been preparing the presentations to deliver to foreign brothers and sisters on this day. Now, here came the chance to demonstrate charms of Nomozaki as if they did, as guides, to foreign travelers. Some did good job introducing attractions of Nomozaki in English. Some others seemed to get nervous about communicating with volunteers but they helped each other with the rest of fellows in the same group, which was very heartwarming. Moreover, kids’ sincere attitudes touched volunteers and they handled the group work by managing hands-on Q&A with children about Nomozaki in simple English.
In the last part of class, 8 volunteer students took the turn to introduce their home countries to kids. That was definitely well-experienced, matured and talented ladies and gentlemen! They brought illustrative slides and pictures to show where they come from. Kids were all ears to every presentation and some courageous ones gave it a try throwing questions in mix English-Japanese.
Two-hour class flew so fast that some students had to skip some slides, or whole presentation, pity to say. But that means this initiative must be continued to next time!
While being so hard to farewell for both pupils and volunteer students (and teachers as well!), they called it a day, wishing to see again not before too long. GP administrative office will try keeping in touch with Nomozaki JHS to create this kind of opportunities to encourage direct interaction between middle school and university students to promote mutual understanding and increase motivation to learn different languages.
南部 学生自主企画活動
留学・海外経験何でも相談室!(at シー大) ~交換留学からフィールドワークまで~/Study Abroad Returnee Fair @Univ. of Nagasaki
- 日程
- 2018年11月16日(金)18:00~19:00
- 場所
- 長崎県立大学シーボルト校M105室
- 内容
11/14 (水)は長崎大学にて、11/16(金)は 長崎県立大学シーボルト校にて、「留学・海外経験なんでも相談室」が行われました!
南部 学生自主企画活動
留学・海外経験何でも相談室!(at 長大)~交換留学からフィールドワークまで~/Study Abroad Returnee Fair @Nagasaki Univ.
- 日程
- 2018年11月14日(水)18:00~19:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学学生交流プラザ
- 内容
- 関連リンク:当日の様子はこちらから!
南部 その他
- 日程
- 2018年11月11日(日)
- 場所
- のぞみ会館大研修室
- 内容
南部 その他
「まちあるき双六大会」への参加/Participating in “Strolling Nagasaki Downtown Event”
- 日程
- 2018年11月11日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎市内/Downtown Nagasaki
- 内容
<English translation follows Japanese.>
On the 11th of Nov., GP member students participated in the “Strolling Nagasaki Downtown Event (Dice Game ver.),” which is held annually by NPO “Nagasaki Sugoroku-no-Kai” (*), who aims to develop and promote tourism in Nagasaki by organizing and running town-strolling events.
GP students were divided into 5 groups consisting of Japanese and exchange fellows respectively and all groups kicked off at Minato Park in the morning. This year, GP was honored to welcome an Ireland male, who happened to travel around Nagasaki and wanted to experience his destination in an unique way, to call in and stroll together.
There were many attractions and staple but can’t-miss sightseeing spots where participants could drop in as rolling the dice and forwarding spot to spot based on the number of the dice.
Students enjoyed free entry to the Oura Cathedral, the oldest wooden church of Gothic architecture in Japan recently recognized as UNESCO World Cultural Heritage, encountering a heart-shaped shrub, feeling cozy breeze at the port area, free bites of Nagasaki traditional sweets “castella” and popular yummy snacks like “steamed pork buns,” and going up and down nostalgic steeps, being overwhelmed at the newly built prefectural government office bldg. in modern-style… and more.
To wrap up the game, as one of its highlights, a lottery game entertained all the participants with splendid prizes.
GP students were filled with satisfaction with little fatigue and new friendships they’ve built after all. It’s no doubt that we have to admit that all the volunteer and running staff to organize this event made this day!! Thank you!!
南部 協働
サンハイツありがとうフェスタお手伝いボランティア/Volunteer at a Senior Care Center’s Festival
- 日程
- 2018年11月4日(日)10:15~14:30
- 場所
- 特別養護老人ホームサンハイツ(油木町)
- 内容
A senior care center located in the middle of Nagasaki city, “Sun Heights” asked university students joining in its periodical festival and many exchange students of GP participated in to do volunteering works and interact with seniors and local high school students.
The highlight of the festival was mochi (rice cake) pounding and male students played superbly!
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
・このようなボランティア活動に参加することで、人間としても成長できるし、日本語の習得にもなるので、参加できて本当に良かったです。(アルジェリア人留学生)/I really appreciate these kind of volunteering work , which helps me grow as a better person and helps me also improve my Japanese language. (Algerian male student)
・韓国ではやったことがない経験ばかりなのでどんどん活動にやりがいを感じています。(韓国人留学生)/We don’t have this kind of processing mochi (rice cake) in my country, so that it was worth experiencing and I’m excited to join in many more activities in which I can lean new things. (South Korean male student)
・餅つきは大変な力仕事でした。でも、つきたてのお餅は美味しくて気に入りました。子どもたちと一緒に遊んだこも楽しかったです。母国でお餅を食べたことがありますが、日本のお餅を食べるのは初めてでした。(韓国人留学生)/Actually it was tough work. But after making those, when I ate them it was delicious. So I love it. And it is also funny to play with Japanese children in there. I ate mochi a lot in korea before. But Japanese mochi was first trial. (South Korean male student)
南部 学生自主企画活動
カフェトーク/Cafe Talk (10月31日/10th Oct.)
- 日程
- 2018年10月31日(水)18:00~19:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学学生交流プラザ/Student Community Plaza, Nagasaki Univ.
- 内容
“Café Talk*” is a monthly event of GP and its core members planned and arranged this month’s “Café Talk” to be related to Halloween!
In the beginning, a male student from UK delivered a short presentation about the origin of Halloween and how it’s celebrated in his country. In Japan, most of people usually go nuts and crazy dressing up spooky without knowing its traditions and facts. So his inputs were definitely fresh and made us rethink how to spend Halloween. His presentation skills and how to demonstrate what he wanted to deliver briefly and clearly showed how important it is to acquire public speaking skills as well.Next came many games to experience authentic atmosphere, like apple-bobbing and piñata!
Those were all unfamiliar to Japanese (and maybe other fellows from other nations likewise). But there was a lot of fun and long lines to try the games.At last, people got split into some groups and had a round-table talk munching treats they gained in previous games. They were chatting over “What to eat at Halloween in your country?” “What to wear?” “How do you find Japanese style of Halloween?” and things like that.
Thank you all for coming to GP Café Talk and looking forward to seeing you again at next one in November!
*”Café Talk” is a round-table chatting where participants talk over themes given. It aims to promote interaction among students regardless of schools, gender, faculties, ages, and nationalities, while chatting freely as if they do just like at a café.
南部 協働
学生自主企画 観光客と交流しよう!長崎まちなか道案内隊ボランティア/Nagasaki Students Volunteer Guides
- 日程
- 2018年10月28日(日)09:30~15:00
- 場所
- 平和公園周辺
- 内容
また、活動中は同じボランティア仲間と国籍を問わず交流ができ、この活動を通して改めて自分が住む長崎についての知識を深めることができたようです。Nagasaki ports have been bustling with foreign cruise ships and passengers throughout the year, thus university students in Nagasaki took a lead to team up volunteer corps to welcome foreign tourists. Its activity has been run regularly and varies; showing where travelers want to go, recommending sightseeing places, and such. Then for this month, 7 international students of GP joined in the corps.
At first, some felt a little nervous about talking to tourists but it was a matter of time, they soon got used to show their hospitality by taking advantage of their native languages.
Furthermore, this was a golden opportunity for them to build friendships among student volunteers beyond nationalities and deepen the knowledge on Nagasaki.
南部 協働
ながさき国際協力・交流フェスティバル ボランティア/Nagasaki International Festival Volunteer
- 日程
- 2018年10月28日(日)
- 場所
- 出島交流会館(長崎県美術館となりのビル)
- 内容
事前の説明会でイベント担当の方がていねいにレクチャーしてくれていたおかげで、当日の活動もスムーズに行うことができ、イベントを運営する上でのポイントについても勉強になりました。Nagasaki International Association was honored to hold its 20th “Nagasaki International Festival” and exchange students of GP participated in as volunteers.
There were many booths where visitors could experience different cultures such as traditional garments, foods, products and volunteer staff helped running. They learnt a lot by observing how this kind of big scale events is operated from backstage.
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
(中国留学生)/There came many people to the festival and I was happy to be a part of making this event happen as a volunteer. I’m looking forward to next similar opportunities. (Chinese male student)
南部 協働
新大工町商店街ハロウィンパーティ ボランティア/Halloween Festival Volunteer at Local Shopping District (Shin-Daiku Machi)
- 日程
- 2018年10月27日(土)
- 場所
- 新大工町商店街
- 内容
たくさんの参加者とふれあい、パーティーが終わる頃には多少の疲れとともに大きな充実感で満たされたようです。Trick or Treat! It’s Halloween!!
At Shindaikumachi outdoor shopping district, there holds Halloween Party annually and many volunteer students across Nagasaki are invited to help rock the fest.
As always, many students including exchange fellows of GP participated in this year, and did all their best entertaining kids who came to the party.
They all put up in peculiar, spooky, and charming costumes demonstrating fun games such as monster hunting and the locked box game.
Given that it’s not a custom to celebrate Halloween in some countries where most international students are from, this party was full of discoveries!
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
中国ではハロウィンの雰囲気があまりないので、今回のハロウィンパーティーが初めてともいえます。脚も痛いほど疲れましたけど、子供たちと一緒に遊んで、ダンスパーティに参加して、非常にうれしかったです。(中国留学生)/It was almost first-ever opportunity for me to experience Halloween because Halloween holiday tradition in my country is not as big as in Japan yet. My legs are sore now from fatigue but I got excited to play and dance with children. (Chinese female student)