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南部 協働
春季「時津港沿岸のごみ拾い」ボランティア /Coastal Cleanup Volunteer at Togitsu Harbor
- 日程
- 2019年3月16日(土)
- 場所
- 時津港/Togitsu Harbor
- 内容
南部 協働
JICA研修員への文化交流イベントでの日本文化紹介ボランティア/Cultural Exchange Volunteer at JICA Event
- 日程
- 2019年3月15日(金)
- 場所
- 長崎大学文教キャンパス グローバル教育・学生支援棟
- 内容
<English translation follows Japanese.>
中国からの留学生は、長崎の「わ(和)・か(華)・らん(蘭)」文化を紹介。彼女自身、半年前に長崎にやってきて、この長崎特有の複合的な文化にとても興味を持ったそうで、長崎大学で履修した「Nagasaki Studies」でより深く学んだ内容をわかりやすくプレゼンにまとめて紹介していました。
唯一の日本人学生はプレゼン最終発表者でした。内容は、「Japanese Noodles」。たっぷりの美味しそうな写真とともに、典型的な麺類から長崎ならではのご当地麺を解説し、某有名ちゃんぽんチェーン店や高級中華麺のお店などの有益情報も満載で、長崎アピールたっぷりのプレゼンでした。
In the winter season 2019, two dozens of engineers from overseas made a tour of bridges in Nagasaki to study how to inspect and repair bridges through lectures and training courses organized by the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which outsourced the training to Nagasaki University.
During the training, Japanese culture experiencing session was designed and GP member students got honorably participated in the session as volunteer guest presenters to introduce, in English, Japanese cultures as well as their own cultures.
GP delegation consisted of 5 students from China, Egypt, Japan, Vietnam, and Zambia, and those from Egypt and Zambia got excited to encounter brothers who came to Japan as trainees from the same countries.
As it turned out, when the culture presentation started, there were quite a few volunteers from trainees to be willing to stand in front and introduce their own countries besides 5 GP volunteer students. It happened to be like an instant virtual tour sweeping thorough almost all different destinations.
After about 2-hour presentations of 11 speakers, demonstrations of Japanese traditional arts, such as tea ceremony and calligraphy writing were conducted and 5 GP volunteer students enjoyed experiencing together.
<参加学生のプレゼンテーション/Presentations from GP volunteer students>
・”Welcome to Vietnam” by Vietnamese female student
・”The WAKARAN culture in NAGASAKI – Learn Nagasaki from its local three festivals” by Chinese female student
・”Culture: The Zambian & Japanese perspectives” by Zambian male student
・”JapaEgypt” by Egyptian male student
・”JAPANESE NOODLES” by Japanese female student
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteer>
・茶道や書道体験は初めてのことだったので、参加できて良かった。日本にいる間にもっと日本文化を体験できる機会を持ちたいと思った。(ザンビア人留学生)/The tea ceremony and calligraphy were great too as it was my first time to do them. Hope I can have more opportunities to really learn the many Japanese cultures and experience them while I still have time.
・異文化に対しての包容力を養える機会になりました。いい勉強になりました。(中国人留学生)/It was a good lesson and opportunity for me to nurture tolerance of other cultures. (Chinese female student)
・研修生のプレゼンも聞けたのは、非常に貴重でした。もっと多くの日本人の学生との交流できたら、もっと喜んでもらえたかもしれないと思いました。(日本人学生)/I was grateful to have a lot of revelations from others’ presentations of not only students but also JICA trainees from many different countries. I wish there would have been more Japanese volunteer students to be here so that it would be more valuable for trainees to learn many aspects of Japan. (Japanese female student)
南部 北部 学生自主企画活動
- 日程
- 2019年2月23日(土)~2月24日(日)13:00~16:00
- 場所
- (23日)長崎市民会館 (24日)佐世保市総合教育センター
- 内容
出張!オープンキャンパス 盛会のうちに終了しました!!
南部 北部 学生企画運営協議会
県北県南合同 学生企画運営協議会(合宿会議)
- 日程
- 2019年2月16日(土)~2月17日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎県立佐世保青少年の天地
- 内容
南部 協働
英語科授業ゲストティーチャーボランティア募集(2月8日)/Wanted!:1 Day English Guest Teacher Volunteer (Feb. 8)
- 日程
- 2019年2月8日(金)
- 場所
- 長崎大学教育学部附属中学校/The Junior High School Attached to the Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University
- 内容
<English translation follows Japanese.>
GP deployed 8 international students to the volunteer initiative at the Junior High School Attached to the Faculty of Education, Nagasaki University on the 8th, Feb. The delegation consisted of 8 different nationalities; Algeria, Canada, Costa Rica, England, Lesotho, Portugal, Taiwan, and Zambia. Its mission was to assist 14 or 15-year-old middle school students’ improving their English conversation skills in an English class.
There attended about 40 boys and girls, and the class started with the introduction by a Japanese teacher and a male ALT (assistant language teacher). Then a warming up exercise followed as letting students read the English short essay and raise points they found in terms of differences between school life in the U.S. and Nagasaki.
Now came the turn of volunteering international students. Each one of them were assigned to each single table rounding by 3 to 4 pupils and they presented, in English, how and what they’d learnt, enjoyed, and came through their 3-year-school days. Each assigned student seemed to be enthusiastically catching and grasping what pupils were trying to tell, and successfully managed to facilitate its group. By throwing questions and encouraging them to develop and expand their opinions in English, they did hard promoting pupils to express themselves with all the words and idioms they should have mastered so far.
In the first place, the story of how Japanese middle school students are busy with their schedule struck international students. For example, almost all pupils participates in year-round after-school sports and club practices. What featured most was so many hours of study for high school as well. As volunteering students told them their own memories from schools during their teenage years, it was then pupils’ turn to get surprised at a lot of differences.
50-minute class went very quickly and was wrapped up by some of feedbacks and pep talks by international students. They were missing the blink of time interacting with pupils and hoped their motivation to study English harder would be driven further on.
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedbacks from GP student volunteers>
・生徒たちに英語学習のサポートをするという気持ちで臨んだけれど、逆に彼らに教えられたこともあったと気付きました。自分の学校生活や思い出は自分が一番よくわかっているものです。だから私は「他人に話して共有するときは、もっと楽しくそれについて話すべきです」と生徒にアドバイスしました。でも、私自身が「こうしなければ」「教えてあげなければ」という思いに集中しすぎてリラックスできておらず、まずは彼らとのコミュニケーションを楽しむことが大事だと痛感しました。(コスタリカ人留学生)/I attended with the idea of helping them, but then I realized that they also helped me. I gave them feedback about being more confident in regards to the topic. School Life is something that they know very well, they should enjoy talking about it because no one knows better than themselves when it comes to share experiences. Then, I realized that sometimes I focus so hard on my work that I forget to relax a little bit in order to enjoy it. (Costa Rican female student)
・英会話能力向上を目的として、生徒が自信をつけられるように手助けをする方法としてはこのような活動はきっと有効であると思う。(レソト人留学生)/The students should be helped build their confidence regarding English peaking maybe through initiatives like this one. (Lesotho male student)
南部 学生自主企画活動
International Day(1月15日)
- 日程
- 2019年1月15日(火)18:00~19:00
- 場所
- 長崎大学学生交流プラザ/Student Community Plaza, Nagasaki Univ.
- 内容
留学生が自国について、また、長大進学のために来崎してきた日本人学生が地元やふるさとについて簡単に紹介してくれる、GP恒例のイベント、International Day。今年度第3回目は1月15日(火)に開催しました!紹介してくれたのはマレーシアとレソトからの留学生。
お二人ともTerima kasih!Kea Leboha !(ありがとう!in Malay and Sesotho. )
“International Day” is one of popular programs which Nagasaki “Glocal” Alliance Project (GP) regularly has. At this event, Japanese and exchange (international) students introduce their home countries or towns for a few minutes. Presentation style is all up to each presenter! Either way, this event always makes the audience students to feel like experiencing a virtual tour to various places around the world and across Japan!
“International Day” for the third time in the school year 2018 was held in January. Exchange students from Malaysia and Lesotho volunteered to be presenters!
First came the presentation about Malaysia. It goes without saying that Malaysia is well known for its multiracial society, with many different ethnic groups living there, consisting mainly of Malays, Chinese, Indians and other indigenous groups. Still, it’s interesting to know there are lots of religious and cultural celebrations designated as national holidays including state or ethnic-specific ones according to the diversity of religious sects and racial groups. Malaysia is said to be the country with more public holidays than Japan!
Same here for languages. Malaysia, being exposed to a variety of culture and traditions, is a linguistically diverse country. Actually, the Malaysian male student presenter is a multilingual who speaks 5-6 languages including Japanese! Besides languages, how about historic constructions and styles of clothing? Yes, they’re all diverse and you must hit and see every kinds of them here and there in the country. Finally, he wrapped up his presentation with his favorite topic: cuisine. He said you can experience diversity in the perspective of food as well. Each indigenous culinary art and food culture has been cherished and carried on for many years, of course, but interestingly, some local cuisines have been combined to the best and tasty ones which is one of today’s symbolic food in Malaysia.
Next followed the presenter from Lesotho! Lesotho?? To be honest, it was the first time for many of the audience to learn the ABC of Kingdom of Lesotho. Every one of key facts of Lesotho which the male student from the country wowed the whole venue. How many of you have known the facts as below;
-Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa.
-It got her independence in 1966.
-It has four seasons as well as Japan and snows in winter because of its geographical features (mountainous and high-altitude!).
He showed a lot of graphs and illustrative images to reveal that Lesotho holds many dams and plays a crucial role to supply water to surrounding countries, mainly South Africa. Plus, he highlighted its high-speed growing economy and agriculture. Amazingly knowing that Japan is one of the largest export nations regarding its wool and mohair. Without a doubt, his presentation made us clear that Lesotho is rich in many attractive and beautiful spots which may put other famous highlands resort countries such as Switzerland to shame. While being a small and historically-young country, we definitely keep paying attention to it and this presenter himself is the real evidence. GP is honored to have this remarkable student from Lesotho!
After moved on to Q&A session, languages of Lesotho were asked from the audience and the student presenter explained that two official languages, English and Sesotho, are spoken but many other minority languages are spoken as well. Moreover, it picked our curiosity so much in that Sesotho is, strictly speaking, classified into mainly 2 kinds and their linguistic mosaics have been critically confirmed in the southern part of Africa. For us, especially Japanese of the unique ethnically and culturally homogeneous nation, this opportunity to encounter linguistic geography of Africa has been always challenging.
Both presenters ended up their presentations with remarks, “please come visit my country/town!” Seeing is believing. Their presentations have driven the audience to travel there to try many things from peculiar to staple ones!
See you next time!!
南部 学生自主企画活動
Year End Party
- 日程
- 2018年12月19日(水)
- 場所
- 長崎大学学生交流プラザ
- 内容
平成最後の年賀状!せっかくならみんなで楽しく作りたい!そんな思いから企画されたyear end party!留学生のみんなと一緒に年賀状を作ってみると、斬新すぎるアイディアがいっぱい!「無料」や「関西」と書いてみたり、折り紙をそのまま貼り付けたりもしていました!私達日本人も、英語で宛名をどう書くか知らなかったり、外国に年賀状を送れるのか知らずにタジタジするシーンも!わかったつもりになっていることも、みんなでやってみると実は奥が深いってことがあることを知れた、そんな有意義な企画となりました。お越し下さった皆さんありがとうございます!良いお年を! (GP学生企画運営委員3年)
“New Year's card for the last year of Heisei era!” “We want to make fun together with everyone!”
The party was planned from such our thoughts. Once the party kicked off, I was surprised at how original and innovative ideas international students had!
On each New Year postcard, someone tried writing, in calligraphy, "No-charge" or "Kansai" and some glued various objects folded by origami to make it like a 3D pop up card!
As for myself, to be shamed, I did not know how to write street addresses in English, or was not sure whether it is available to send Japanese New Year postcard overseas without any additional procedures or charges…
This opportunity to exchange cultures and review our Japanese staple customs turned out to be meaningful rather for us, Japanese students.
Thank you all who came joined with us! And wish you a good new year! (Japanese male junior student of GP Students Planning Committee)
南部 その他
日本文化に触れよう!~もちつき体験~(12月16日)/Mochi-tsuki (Rice Cake Pounding) Event in Nishizaka ES (Dec.16)
- 日程
- 2018年12月16日(日)
- 場所
- 西坂小学校運動場、体育館/Nishizaka elementary school
- 内容
Nishizaka primary school invited GP member students to its annually “mochi-tsuki (rice cake pounding)” event and total 16 fellows consisting of 4 Japanese and 12 international youngsters participated in!
Unfortunately, it had been cold raining from the morning and seemed to have less participants but there turned out to be nothing to worry! As for an opening ceremony in the gymnasium, a handbell band club of Nagasaki junior high school performed several songs with various sized handbells, which intoxicated all the audience and the atmosphere was warmed up.
Then outside, regardless of the limited space for mochi pounding due to rain, GP students got excited at the sight of outside chimneys exhaling steam for cooking sticky rice and pounding it. Speaking of tools to pound mochi such as “wooden mallet” and “stone mortar,” it was almost first time to hold and use them for many of students, and some had trouble pounding well with those heavy stuff. Actually, some girls left the role of pounding to boys and enjoyed making mochi balls wrapping sweet red bean paste.
After the hard work, here finally came to munch fresh prepared mochi and free-serving miso soup! Mochi were all the more delicious because students made it by themselves.
In addition, there happened to be some interaction with junior high school students who also participated in this event and they introduced themselves each other in English, which was like a pop-up exchanging lesson.
When dismissed, the sky cleared up and participant students left the venue with satisfaction and being stuffed.
<参加した学生からのアンケート/Feedback from GP student volunteers>
・日本文化を体験したくて参加しました。天気がいまいちだったけど、その目的が達成できて良かったです。もっともっと日本文化を体験する活動に関わっていきたいです。(長崎大学 コスタリカ留学生)/I was glad that the main objective of the activity was fulfilled even though the weather was not helping. In regards to suggestions for activities, I am fine with anything related to Japanese culture.(Female student from Costa Rica, Nagasaki Univ.)
・餅を作るのは初めての体験でしたが、本当に楽しくてすっかりとりこになりました。今回一緒に参加した仲間と楽しく餅の作り方を学んだり、日本語の練習ができて良かったです。(長崎大学 ベトナム留学生)/It was very interesting and I really love it, this is the first time I made Mochi by myself. I had wonderful time with my friends to learn how to make mochi and practice speaking and listening Japanese. (Male student from Vietnam, Nagasaki Univ.)
・今回の活動で留学生の方々と英語で話せたのが大きな収穫だった。また餅つきでは久しぶりに餅をついて楽しかった。(長崎総合科学大学1年 日本)/I was happy to have a golden opportunity to talk with exchange students as making mochi together. It’s been a while to pound mochi but I realized I like this hard work of making mocha by myself. (Male student from Japan, Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science)
南部 その他
- 日程
- 2018年12月8日(土)
- 場所
- 長崎大学総合体育館
- 内容
On 8th Dec, GP participated in the Nagasaki Job Exhibition organized at the gymnasium in Nagasaki University.
We held a mini seminar and poster session to introduce GP and were able to draw the interest of many people in our activities.
We, the GP committee members, also walked around in the exhibition and had the opportunity to talk to a few people from various big companies.
We hope that the things we learned from this event would be a great inspiration for our future event planning.12월 8일에 나가사키대학교 종합체육관에서 개최한 나가사키 미래 일자리 박람회에 GP도 참가했었습니다 !
당일의 포스터 섹션과 미니세미나를 통해 GP의 활동에 관심을 가져주시는 분들이 늘어나게 되었습니다.
또한, 저희 기획운영위원들도 기업이나 지방자치단체의 부스를 구경하거나, 사회에서 활약하고 계신 분들의 얘기를 직접 들을 수 있어서 정말 좋은 기회가 되었습니다.
앞으로 저희들의 기획에도 이렇게 큰 이벤트에 참가한 경험을 살려나가고 싶습니다!
南部 学生自主企画活動
グローカルオリンピック in Nagasaki/GP "Glocal" Olympics in Nagasaki
- 日程
- 2018年12月2日(日)
- 場所
- 長崎大学総合体育館2階
- 内容
12月2日、長崎大学総合体育館にてグローカル オリンピックを行いました。 いろんな留学生や日本人学生とスポーツを通して交流し、仲を深め合うことが出来ました!
We held Japanese sports event “Undokai(運動会)” at Nagasaki University. Japanese students and international students of some universities in Nagasaki participated in this event. We enjoyed some games which is unique to Japan, for example, Tug of war, Beanbag toss, and Three-legged race.Japanese and international students had a good time to communicate with each other. Thank you.
12月2日,在长崎大学综合体育馆成功地举行了Glocal Olympic in Nagasaki!
12월 2일 나가사키대학교 종합체육관에서 글로컬 올림픽 in Nagasaki 이벤트를 진행하였습니다!
다양한 국가에서 온 유학생, 다양한 대학교의 학생과 스포츠를 통해 교류하고, 서로 친해질 수 있는 계기가 되었습니다!
참가한 많은 사람들으로부터 재미있었다고 들을 수 있는 이벤트가 되어 다행이라고 생각합니다!
참가해 주신 여러분 모두 수고하셨습니다!